Valley City Times-Record

Opening of Music in the Park, June 5, featuring the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band


The 2024 Music in the Park series begins on Wednesday, June 5 at 7:15 pm at the City Park Bandshell located at 420 4th St. SW, Valley City. This year the series opens with a tribute of patriotism to all veterans and to those serving presently by the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band. This will be a great program to open the summer.

The Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band began as the Gilbert C. Grafton American Legion Post 2 (Fargo) band shortly after WWII, performing regularly as entertainm­ent for area military clubs, much like the military bands did for our service men & women throughout history.

In 1997, the group incorporat­ed as the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band, with goals of attracting more musicians, more donors, and sharing its musical enjoyment by performing more public concerts and performing in a larger area of the surroundin­g region.

The RRVVCB has had several directors over the years. The allvolunte­er band members share in the many tasks required to keep the band going from maintainin­g a library of music; planning, organizing, and coordinati­ng all concerts; keeping the books; tending to the uniforms; maintainin­g the bands social media and publicity needs; and pitching for any other needs the band has to continue its mission of promoting patriotism through music.

The band is governed by a board of directors elected by the members from within their ranks. The board elects the officers for band leadership.

Bring your lawn chairs and family and enjoy the evening in the City Park with neighbors & friends! A freewill offering is taken each night for the continued support of the City Park Bandshell.

Music in the Park is sponsored by the Bridges Arts Council, First Community Credit Union, NewsDakota, Grotberg Electric, Moore Engineerin­g, Myron Sommerfeld family, CVB, Eagles Aerie 2192, Valley City Parks & Recreation and the North Dakota Council on the Arts. For questions, call Diane at 701-840-1743, or email: dksommerfe­ .

If the weather does not permit the program to be outdoors, it will be moved to the Larry Robinson Center for the Arts Performanc­e Hall located on the VCSU campus. NewsDakota, VCPR office and Bridges Arts Council website will keep you up-todate. www.bridgesart­s. org

 ?? Submitted photos ?? Members of the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band, pictured above and below.
Submitted photos Members of the Red River Valley Veterans Concert Band, pictured above and below.
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