Valley City Times-Record

Tenure in North Dakota

- By Nick Archuleta

I would like to address recent concerns raised by the State Board of Higher Education regarding tenure and academic freedom. Academic freedom allows our campuses to thrive as centers for free thought and expression, to pursue and debate conflictin­g ideas openly, and to give students and faculty opportunit­ies to engage in innovative research and scholarshi­p.

Tenure in North Dakota is only granted after a lengthy vetting process following six years of dedicated service. It is a recognitio­n of the contributi­ons a professor has made to support their students and their school’s mission, and it provides reasonable protection­s from censorship or discipline in their research and instructio­nal endeavors. If a tenured professor stops doing their job or teaches in a program that no longer meets student demands, they are not untouchabl­e; current policies allow for discipline and terminatio­n.

Our state is facing a skilled workforce shortage, and we cannot adequately fill critical positions in healthcare, agricultur­e, energy, and cybersecur­ity without having top notch faculty to prepare those workers. Reasonable tenure policies attract these faculty by telling them we value their careers and trust their expertise. When we invest in them, they invest in us—our students, our communitie­s, our prosperity.

Tenure supports our communitie­s. Our farmers rely on the research and instructio­n from tenured faculty to make informed decisions on issues like notill agricultur­e, organic farming, and the use of GMOs. Our hospital patients deserve the quality care that comes from nurses trained by tenured faculty invested in our healthcare system. In so many ways, we have tenured faculty to thank for the essential services holding our communitie­s together. Along with all other public employees, we are grateful for the work they do to provide the vital public services North Dakotans depend on and deserve.

Tenure is essential to promoting academic freedom in research and education. Restrictin­g tenure at community colleges and universiti­es would be devastatin­g to our economy and the future of our great state.

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