Valley City Times-Record

Future Leaders...

VCSU Spring Commenceme­nt ceremony set for May 11


Valley City, ND – Valley City State University (VCSU) will host spring commenceme­nt at 10 a.m., Saturday, May 11 at W.E. Osmon Fieldhouse in Valley City, ND.

President Alan LaFave, who began his tenure at VCSU in 2018, will preside over the commenceme­nt exercises. Curtis Biller, will represent the State Board of Higher Education (SBHE). The undergradu­ate reflection will be presented by graduating senior, Madison Yoder, and the faculty reflection­s will be presented by Dr. Travis Knapp.

The in-person ceremony will also be live-streamed at­s.

Madison Yoder is graduating with a Bachelor of Science degree in Mathematic­s Education. Yoder grew up in Dickinson and always knew she wanted to be a teacher. Valley City State University was her dream school due to the nationally-recognized teacher education program. While on campus, she served as the Student Body President for two years, participat­ed in English Club, Spanish Club, served as a crew leader for New Student Orientatio­n and a member of the Education Advisory Board. She enjoys the methodical approach used to solve math problems. Yoder aims to make math friendly and approachab­le for all students. She completed her student teaching at Dickinson Middle School and has been hired by the school as a full-time 8th grade math teacher.

Travis Knapp, Ph.D., joined the VCSU Language and Literature Department in 2022. He teaches writing, literature and linguistic­s. Knapp, who grew up in Fort Smith, Arkansas, earned a Bachelor of Arts in English and History from Oklahoma State University, and has a Master of Arts and Ph.D. from the University of Missouri in English Literature. Knapp enjoys conversati­ons with students, discussing different ideas and seeing if conversati­ons can change the way someone thinks about something. Knapp lives in Valley City and enjoys going for walks and being involved in music communitie­s, including playing trumpet in the Valley City Community Band.

 ?? VCSU photo ?? VCSU students, pictured above, in their graduation attire.
VCSU photo VCSU students, pictured above, in their graduation attire.

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