Valley City Times-Record

SVACTC area students compete in SkillsUSA Competitio­n

- By TR Staff

The Sheyenne Valley Area Career & Technology Center Skills USA advisors and student members recently attended the State’s Skills USA Competitio­n in Bismarck.

Congratula­tions to SVACTC Health Science Instructor and Skills Advisor, Mrs. Grafing, on being awarded the 2023-24 ND Skills Advisor of the year award.

Mr. Reinke, is pictured to the left, holding the Chapter of Excellence Award. The school received the award for SkillsUSA Chapters. There are three levels to earning the award, with only the elite Chapters getting to the 3rd level.

It is a competitio­n of its own. The Valley City SkillsUSA team surpassed Level 1 and put in an applicatio­n for achieving Level 2 in the Chapter of Excellence Distinctio­n award. SVACTC and Dickinson Roughrider are the only schools in North Dakota that have achieved this award.

The applicatio­n process is made up of activities and standards met throughout the year and justifying in the applicatio­n how you achieved the particular level.

This is the first time in history our school has received this award and also the first time in North Dakota for SkillsUSA.

Congratula­tions to all the SkillsUSA advisors and class officers (past and present) for their hand in successful­ly meeting all the requiremen­ts of achieving the Silver Level SkillsUSA Chapter of Distinctio­n award.

Thirty-eight students participat­ed in and three state officers helped run this year’s State SkillsUSA competitio­n in Bismarck.

The SVACTC staff, advisors and students send a big shout out to all the indivdiual­s and businesses, who’s support assisted in sending them to state. “Thanks again to all of our local business partners/sponsors and individual­s who helped provide this opportunit­y to our students by their donations and participat­ion in this years fundraiser­s. They have represente­d the SVACTC, its member schools, and their col- lective communitie­s well.”

SkillsUSA Medalists are as follows:

Sculpture contest: Dylan Piatz - Barnes County North, 1st Place (train); Joshua Smith - Valley City, 2nd Place (movie camera/music box); Shaunn Weiser - Valley City, 3rd Place (semi).

Job Skill Demontrati­on: Reid Nelson - Valley City, 1st Place; Cloe Nelson - Valley City, 2nd Place; Joshua Smith - Valley City, 3rd Place

Prepared Speech:

Jess Ranisate - Valley City, 2nd Place.

Extemporan­ous Speech: Quincy Corben - Valley City, 3rd Place

23-24 Officer team outgoing include:

Kendra Skramsted - President; Ella Olson - Reporter; Corben Golovanoff - Historian.

24-25 Incoming

officer team

 ?? Submitted photos ?? Sheyenne Valley Career & Technology Center SkillsUSA students pictured above, with advisors, at competitio­n.
Submitted photos Sheyenne Valley Career & Technology Center SkillsUSA students pictured above, with advisors, at competitio­n.
 ?? ?? L-r: SkillsUSA outgoing state officers: Ella Olson, reporter; Kendra Skramstad, president and Corben Golovanoff, historian.
L-r: SkillsUSA outgoing state officers: Ella Olson, reporter; Kendra Skramstad, president and Corben Golovanoff, historian.
 ?? ?? SkillsUSA advisors, Megan Grafing (right) and Dennis Reinke, pictured with awards.
SkillsUSA advisors, Megan Grafing (right) and Dennis Reinke, pictured with awards.

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