Valley City Times-Record

Local hikers make summer plans


The Sheyenne River Valley (SRV) Chapter of the North Country Trail Associatio­n held its annual meeting on Saturday, February 24, 2024, at the Valley City Eagles Club. The Chapter shared plans for a fun new summer hiking series called the SRV Chapter Segment Hiking Challenge. Hikers can embark on a 4-year challenge to hike the total trail withing the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter segment. To qualify for the program award, participan­ts must complete all four hikes either on the date of the hike or on their own within 30 days after each hike date. The planned award for completing the first year of this program is a $30 credit to the North Country Trail Shop for NCT “swag” purchases. The 2024 hikes will take place starting with a two-day hike and camp over up at Lake Ashtabula on July 13-14 starting at the SRV Chapter’s northern most boundary. The segment hiking challenge will continue on September 14 from Sibley to Old Highway 26 Recreation Area and then on October 12 from Old Highway 26 to Wesley Acres.

National Trails Day events are held at Fort

Ransom State Park on June 1. It begins with a Ranger-led hike in the morning, kayaking in the afternoon and a picnic dinner provided by the Chapter at 5pm. There will be park entrance and canoe/kayak rental fees for this event. The location for the hike under the stars will also be Fort Ransom State Park on August 11. The September hike will take place at the Sheyenne State Forest south of Fort Ransom on September 28 with an optional Poker Hike to win cash or prizes! These events are all free and open to the public with the exception of the park entrance and canoe/kayak rental fees for National Trails Day and the optional Poker Hike. Join us for these leisurely hikes through the great outdoors!

Work days will also be held monthly during the summer months except for July. Work will be done on several segments along Lake Ashtabula as well as a couple in the Sheyenne State Forest southeast of Fort Ransom. The group is always looking for volunteers to help develop and maintain the trail so for more informatio­n on volunteeri­ng or on any of the hikes, please contact the Sheyenne River Valley Chapter at srv@northcount­ Also check the following for hike informatio­n and/or possible cancellati­ons - Meet-up group at https://­nND/ or Facebook at www.facebook. com/NCTinND/.

The SRV Chapter would also like to remind all the hikers and outdoor lovers out there that the Sheyenne River Valley Challenge program has been carried over for another year and this year it is even easier to win points for cash or prizes! This new program is designed to challenge new people to get involved with the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) – the nation’s longest hiking trail – and the volunteers who build and maintain it in the Sheyenne River Valley.

The public is invited to take on the Sheyenne River Valley Challenge by participat­ing in a variety of ways of getting more involved that range from hiking the NCT on their own, sharing social media posts with their friends, joining a Chapter hike, joining the Chapter as a NCTA member, to adopting a trail section to maintain for a year. Participan­ts earn points for the more challenges they complete and people become eligible by accruing 200 points. Challenge winners

will be selected January 15, 2025 for the cash grand prize and other great prizes. Becky Heise, President of the SRV Chapter says “We’re hoping that this Challenge will be the invitation to get more people introduced to the Trail and to the group that builds, maintains, promotes, and protects it in our area. We’re looking for more people to become engaged in our efforts and to discover the beauty of the Sheyenne River Valley found along the NCT when exploring it on foot.” For more informatio­n on or to register for the Challenge find it online at https://northcount­

As part of the Chapter’s Mission is to try to close gaps in the trail to reduce road walking

which is not as pleasing as hiking through the country-side. Last year the Chapter was able to acquire two new easements from Paul Thorp and Jason and Tamara Jorissen to fill gaps up at Lake Ashtabula, remove road hike segments and to reroute around existing trail damaged by slumping. The Chapter will be continuing its effort this year by meeting with other landowners about easements along the trail. Maybe we will be talking to you this year!

The SRV Chapter also awarded its Chapter Honor Award to Emily Fenster for her work on the Executive Committee as a Member-AtLarge, attending important planning meetings and for helping to promote the trail at local

community events. The NCTA Chapter Honor award is given to Chapter of Affiliate volunteers who demonstrat­e loyalty, commitment, and hard work annually to the local organizati­on’s chosen activities.”

The North Country Trail Associatio­n volunteers are the lifeblood of the North Country National Scenic Trail (NCT) which extends from Lake Sakakawea State Park across 8 states all the way to the Appalachia­n Trail in Vermont. The SRV Chapter is responsibl­e for 93-miles of the NCT between the north end of Lake Ashtabula in Griggs County and the Sheyenne River State Forest in Ransom County. Come join us!

 ?? Submitted photo ?? Emily Fenster, VCSU Sociology Professor, receives Sheyenne River Valley Chapter NCTA Chapter Honor Award for 2023 from Chapter President Becky Heise and Secretary/Treasurer Deb Koepplin, at a recent meeting.
Submitted photo Emily Fenster, VCSU Sociology Professor, receives Sheyenne River Valley Chapter NCTA Chapter Honor Award for 2023 from Chapter President Becky Heise and Secretary/Treasurer Deb Koepplin, at a recent meeting.

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