Valley City Times-Record

Just 4 Kix Cuties Entertain... Happy Leap Day: Thursday, February 29, 2004


February is known for many things, one of which is being the shortest month of the year.

Many people do not give much thought to whether or not February has 28 or 29 days. But February bears the unique distinctio­n of being the only month on the calendar that does not always have the same number of days.

Known as a “leap day,” the 29th day of February helps to synchroniz­e the calendar to Earth’s orbit. According to EarthSky, which reports on astronomy and other cosmos-related informatio­n, Earth’s orbit around the sun takes approximat­ely 365.25 days. That extra .25 creates a need for a leap year every four years; otherwise, the calendar, which is faster than the actual solar year), would drift from what is actually occurring with the orbit.

After four years, it would be off by one day, or 25 days after 100 years. If no correction­s were made to the calendar, the seasons might become misaligned. After 300 years, January 1 would arrive in autumn.

Julius Caesar, at the advice of Sosigenes, an Alexandria­n astronomer, was responsibl­e for adding a leap day to February to compensate for Earth’s rotation after the original Roman calendar kept slipping out of alignment. During his reign, Caesar first implemente­d a 445-day calendar year in 46 BCE to bring the calendar back into alignment. Roman officials called it annus confusioni­s. To limit future headaches, the work-around was to simply add a leap day to February once every four years.’

The Gregorian calendar, revised by Pope Gregory XIII in 1582, further adapted the calendar and the leap days. Enjoy your extra day:

• Take a day off of work and spend it relaxing or engaging in a favorite hobby.

• Be reminded that leap years also coincide with U.S. Presidenti­al elections, and it will soon be time to vote.

• Check out the celebritie­s who were born on February 29 and only get a true birthday every four years. Rapper Ja Rule, motivation­al speaker Tony Robbins, actor Antonio Sabato, Jr., swimmer Jessica Long, and football player Eric Kendricks are some of the notable people born on February 29.

• Buy a gift for yourself or others on leap day and make it a tradition of going the extra mile to love and pamper.

• Realign your life like the calendar is being realigned by focusing on organizati­on or personal finances.

 ?? ??
 ?? ?? Can you say CUTENESS OVERLOAD? Just 4 Kix dancers steal the thunder from the basketball game during halftime at the Hi-Liner Activity Center.
Can you say CUTENESS OVERLOAD? Just 4 Kix dancers steal the thunder from the basketball game during halftime at the Hi-Liner Activity Center.
 ?? Photos by Alyssa Thomsen/Times-Record ??
Photos by Alyssa Thomsen/Times-Record

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