Valley City Times-Record

NDSCS Culinary Arts hosting annual Scholarshi­p Dinner

Annual fundraiser being held to benefit NDSCS Culinary Arts students


WAHPETON, N.D. — NDSCS Culinary Arts students and faculty are scheduled to host the program’s 4th annual Scholarshi­p Dinner on Thursday, February 29th in the Hektner Student Center at NDSCS Wahpeton.

The annual Culinary Scholarshi­p Dinner helps raise funds to support scholarshi­p dollars for Culinary Arts students, increasing accessibil­ity for students to attend this program at NDSCS. This dinner is also an excellent opportunit­y for students to help create and serve a multi-course fine dining experience for guests, teaching important on-the-job skills and benefiting their overall Culinary education.

The schedule of events includes a guest social and multi-course meal. The 6-course dinner with wine pairings is prepared and served by culinary students, faculty, and program alumni and will be followed by a new feature – a wine raffle! Guests can purchase a cork for $25, and each cork matches with a bottle of wine, ranging in value up to $150!

Guest chefs for the 2024 Culinary Scholarshi­p Dinner will include: NDSCS Culinary Arts Alumni: Joe Brunner from Mezzaluna in Fargo

Alyssa Berger from 84 Steakhouse in Fargo

Summer Peterson from BernBaum’s in Fargo

Grace Lamberson from the Toasted Frog in Grand Forks

Kevin Roller from NDSCS Dining Services

Friend of the NDSCS Culinary Arts program:

Mark Schmidt of Bix Produce Tickets are available online at for $125 per person. Thanks to the guest chefs and other supportive partners in the Culinary industry, much of the food and supplies are donated for the Scholarshi­p Dinner. That means most of each ticket price goes right back to the program in the Culinary Arts Endowment Fund, and is a tax-deductible donation.

About North Dakota State College of Science

Founded in 1903, NDSCS is the second oldest two-year comprehens­ive college in the nation, with locations in Wahpeton and Fargo. The College offers a variety of in-person and online courses, as well as workforce training to meet industry demands. Learn more at

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