Valley City Times-Record

Hot Rod Junkies Car Show coming to VC

- By TR Staff

Do you love classic cars? Does a certain vintage model strike a cord in your memory bank, taking you back to a special time and place in your life?

Then here is the event for you… The Bridge City Cruisers and Jamestown Classic Car Club members have shared the beauty, speed and power of their vintage vehicles with us over the years, but this is the first time they have come together to bring cars, trucks, snowmobile­s and racing, all under one roof.

The Hot Rod Junkies Car Show welcomes all Saturday, January 27th and Sunday, January 28th to the South Exhibit Building of the North Dakota Winter Show in Valley City.

The Times-Record asked Brian Kamlitz, facilitato­r of the event and Jamestown Classic Car Club, how did the idea for an event like this come about? “This whole event came about when we found out that after 22 years of holding our car show at the Civic Center, here in Jamestown, our annual car show date was given to the North Dakota High School Activities Associatio­n Class B Basketball games.” Not having another venue of that size (as the Civic Center) in Jamestown Kamlitz says that he brought the idea before the Jamestown Classic Car Club members of reaching out to bring the Bridge City Cruisers on board with the possibilit­y of holding this year’s show in the South Exhibit Building at the Winter Show in Valley City.

Like that, an idea was born and the planning began.

Kamlitz tells us this is not just a car show, this is going to be a grand event for the whole family. That’s right. Two days filled with antique and restored cars, trucks and snowmobile­s. Along with speciality item pop up shops and delicious food truck choices like, Sweet Dream Donuts and Kulm Tasty Treat Lunch Wagon, for visitors to enjoy.

Cars, trucks, shopping and food, all under one roof. What more could anyone ask for?

Antique snowmobile­s, Valve Cover Races and Free Hot Wheels of course.

Valve Cover Races you say? Kamlitz sheds a little light on this fun event for the kiddos.

“I like to call this event Valve Cover on Steroids,” he says laughing. “I saw something on the internet a few years ago where people put skateboard wheels on a valve cover and then race

them on a track. So I thought this would be a great event to host during car shows.” He continues in saying that the club moved forward with the idea, built a ramp and a twenty foot rollout for competitor­s to race on. “This event has grown immensely since the first time it was held. Since then, the Jamestown Classic Car Club has been invited to various different events, throughout the state, to share their Valve Cover Race challenge.”

A quick note for nonmechani­cal folks, such as myself. A valve cover (5”x20”) is an important component of the engine. It’s a metal piece that is bolted on the top of the cylinder head to protect the engine from the elements and helps to prevent oil leaks.

In a nutshell, he says that five lucky kids, ages 13 and under, can register on Saturday for a drawing to receive one of five free Valve Cover Race Kits. Kamlitz says volunteers will be on hand to work with the kids to build their racers and then they can race them on the track and take them home to paint and decorate them how they like. Then on Sunday, kids are welcomed back to race on the track with winners receiving trophies. There will also be kits available for purchase at the show he says.

Kamlitz adds that all kids, 12 and under, attending the show with their families will also receive a free Hot Wheels toy at the door.

This reporter, having grown up with my car-loving father and brother, can relate to the excitement that a classic car owner feels and that mesmerizin­g look they get when they turn the key and hear the engine roar. This is an event you won’t want to miss.

Setup, schedule and car owner informatio­n for event is as follows:

Car show registrati­on is $30 per vehicle with pre-registrati­on deadline for drawing, January 19, 2024. Move in, and setup, will be held Friday, January 26th from 12 noon to 6 p.m. The show begins Saturday, January 27th from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. and again on Sunday, January 28th from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m.

Admission at the NDWS main door entrance will be: Age 13 to adults, $10 each, ages 7 to 12, $5 each, age 6 and under is free and Veterans are $5 each with ID.

Kamlitz shares that the Valley City Eagles Club will be offering a special treat over the weekend, “One of our car show sponsors, The Valley City Eagles Club, is inviting us on Friday, January 26th, for a delicious home-cooked meal” He continues in sharing that all car club members will receive a discounted rate from the Eagles for their meals. He also mentions dining is open to the general public at normal price as well.

Then on Saturday, January 27th the Eagles welcome all the Car Club members, their families, and the general public back for special dining options and musical entertainm­ent to wrap up the first night of the Hot Rod Junkies Car Show fun.

For more informatio­n on the car show contact Brian Kamlitz at 701320-6595, Scott Anderson 701-490-1089 or Neil Baker at 701-3209142.

Interested vendors contact Cindy Gilje at 701-320-8269 or Royce Kinney at 701-840-0522 for booth space informatio­n.

Hot Rod Junkies Car Show event is sponsored by Jamestown Classic Car Club, Bridge City Cruisers, Valley City Eagles Club, NAPAValley Auto Parts, Allard Trophy,Valley City Tourism and Valley City Chamber of Commerce.

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