Valley City Times-Record

Hints From Heloise



Dear Heloise: I keep a tub of baby wipes in each room of my home. A baby wipe is perfect to grab to clean up small spills, because of course they are mild and safe. I'm teaching my kids to pick up after themselves, too! -- Hilary T. in Connecticu­t DRY TIME

Dear Heloise: I rinse and pat dry my lettuce; the dressing will have something to cling to. On a wet surface, it just slides off. -- Jenna D. in Florida


Dear Readers: Since the weather outside in most areas is chilly and gray, let's talk about some houseplant­s that are easy to care for, courtesy of Good

Housekeepi­ng magazine:

Devil's ivy, aka the pothos plant, will climb all over, and it can tolerate being over-watered and under-watered.

Spider plants emit little offshoots, or "babies," that can be planted again. Lots of sunlight is required, and weekly watering.

The aloe vera plant requires low light and watering only every other week.

Philodendr­on? It translates to "love tree." Minimal watering is best for this plant.

Christmas cactus ... if you're wanting complete ease, any cactus plant will work for you. The Christmas cactus gives off lovely, bright blooms. -- Heloise EASY BABY FOOD Dear Heloise: My friend is a new mom, and she had the most ingenious way of making baby food when out at a restaurant, or I suppose at home too.

She uses a dedicated garlic press to squeeze through green beans and carrots, and Baby Henry can eat them! I love it! -- Bennie T. in Oregon

Bennie, sounds really good! Check with your pediatrici­an to make sure this is a go, and also ask the server. Sometimes restaurant veggies are cooked with heavy sauces and spices that could upset baby's tummy. -- Heloise

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