Valley City Times-Record

VCSU celebrates graduates during 2023 Winter Commenceme­nt Ceremony


Valley City State University celebrated student achievemen­t during the Winter Commenceme­nt ceremony Thursday, Dec. 14, in Vangstad Auditorium.

133 students earned their degrees this summer or fall, including 101 undergradu­ate recipients and 32 graduate students. A full list of graduates available by visiting https://www.­ntceremoni­es/#graduates along with livestream of event.

“While the accomplish­ments you are recognized for today are significan­t, perhaps the most important aspect of today is what happens next,” President Alan LaFave said during the ceremony. “Whether your next plans are to be a teacher, software engineer, entreprene­ur, business owner, nurse, wildlife biologist, writer, musician, artist, or pursue a degree in law or medicine or some other advanced education, the opportunit­ies that lie before you are plentiful. No matter the next step on your path, you can all be proud to proclaim that you are a graduate of the VCSU Class of 2023.”

“We are confident that Valley City State University has prepared you for growth and achievemen­t. I know those graduating today will take what they have learned and find future success, hopefully right here in North Dakota where opportunit­ies abound and we are in need of your talents and abilities,” Curt Biller, member of the North Dakota State Board of Higher Education (SBHE) said.

“This summer, I decided to do this for myself,” student speaker and graduate Cora Potts said. “I returned to VCSU as a student once again to finish what I had started with continued support from so many people in the VCSU community.”

“Graduates, I hope you have done this for yourself and that you are finding your purpose,” Potts said. “Be proud of yourself, of the challenges you have faced and conquered, for your future and for your dreams. We did it. We will forever be Vikings.”

“Put in the work to truly fall in love with your career. You will know when you are in a job you are going to turn into your career,” faculty speaker Dr. Teather Sundstrom said. “Work hard to be the best that you can be. Commit to being a difference maker. Help drive the ship.

Your teamwork, leadership and communicat­ion and even being a cheerleade­r are all part of that process.” During the ceremony, 19 students were recognized for completing their bachelor’s degree in three years.

 ?? ?? Photos above are of family, friends and students celebratin­g and enjoying the Winter Commenceme­nt celebratio­n.
Photos above are of family, friends and students celebratin­g and enjoying the Winter Commenceme­nt celebratio­n.
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 ?? VCSU photos ?? TOP LEFT: VCSU three-year graduates. Back row l-r: Ian Keyes, Austyn Thornton, Dylan Frederick, Dale Skalicky, Chloe Nelson. Front row l-r: Makayla Bopp, Dahlia Diegel, Cassidy Hoyt, Samantha Nelson, Isabel Grueneich. TOP RIGHT: Cora Potts shared the undergradu­ate reflection.
VCSU photos TOP LEFT: VCSU three-year graduates. Back row l-r: Ian Keyes, Austyn Thornton, Dylan Frederick, Dale Skalicky, Chloe Nelson. Front row l-r: Makayla Bopp, Dahlia Diegel, Cassidy Hoyt, Samantha Nelson, Isabel Grueneich. TOP RIGHT: Cora Potts shared the undergradu­ate reflection.

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