Valley City Times-Record

Out & About with Carter...

- Carter is a Valley City High School student who will be sharing his writing-about the City of Bridges, with the Valley City Times-Record readers.

Lots of activities go on in our City of Bridges. Yet many places in Valley are quite unknown and unexplored to the average citizen. So, let us take a minute to go out and about, with Carter.

Is it just me? Or is it unreasonab­ly warm this time of year? Something you may not know about your favorite teen here in valley is that I love weather and meteorolog­y. I study profession­al weather models and pay for them. I am a trained weather spotter and well versed in storm tracking. From winter weather to summer storms, I do it all. But that is not the only unique thing I do. In fact, multiple people take part in something that I love, and it is called the State Student Council Convention.

I think anyone who is in student council is a natural born leader. Our campaigns may not match that of Dave Carlsrud or Donald Trump. But we like to say we come close. Now every year in the fall “for high school specifical­ly” there is a big convention where schools from across the state venture to Bismarck to escape the imprisonme­nt of school and explore the diversity of hotel conference­s and door dash. All jokes aside, VCHS is an amazing High School, but a few days off never hurt anyone. During this conference multiple speakers come to entertain us about leadership and such. Then we break out into mini sessions to talk about leadership and certain skills that we may need. And of course, elections. Juniors and seniors can hold state office. So just wait North Dakota. Next year will be a doozie! Overall, multiple students from our hometown come to enjoy the fun, speakers from around the nation come to educate us, and we grow new friendship­s that will last a lifetime. I would say that the best part of the State Student Council Convention is the community. To think that our student council could take ideas from around the state to better our schools and hometowns is crazy! So as President of the Sophomore grade I can assure you, grandiose things are coming. Our council has many teens on it and a great new advisor. Once again, I cannot wait to see what this great city produces next! Now all we need is this weather to last forever. But the farmers may disagree with me on that one. So from your favorite 15 year old in VCHS, Carter Hass, I pray that god may bless you and that you all have a wonderful Christmas and New Years.

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