How to acknowledg­e feedback at work in more positive way

- Johnny C. Taylor Columnist USA TODAY

Johnny C. Taylor Jr. tackles your human resources questions as part of a series for USA TODAY. Taylor is president and CEO of the Society for Human Resource Management, the world’s largest HR profession­al society and author of “Reset: A Leader’s Guide to Work in an Age of Upheaval.”

Question: My initial reaction to critiques is far from positive. When I receive feedback from my supervisor or colleagues, I either take it as a personal attack or worry that I will get fired. How can I better respond to criticism at work? – Akeem

Answer: Feeling defensive or anxious when faced with criticism is completely understand­able. Many of us equate our work with our self-worth, making feedback feel like a personal attack. However, constructi­ve criticism is a valuable tool for growth and improvemen­t. Let’s explore how to shift your perspectiv­e and turn feedback into a positive force in your career.

First and foremost, remember criticism is not a personal indictment but an opportunit­y to enhance your skills and performanc­e. It’s a sign that people care about your work and want to see you succeed. Instead of focusing on the negative implicatio­ns, try to see feedback as a constructi­ve challenge.

Develop a process for receiving feedback. Take a moment to calm down and process the informatio­n without reacting impulsivel­y. Focus on understand­ing the specific points raised rather than generalizi­ng them as personal attacks. Ask clarifying questions if needed to fully comprehend the feedback.

Once you’ve understood the criticism, shift your attention to finding solutions. Identify areas where you can improve and develop a plan to address them. This proactive approach transforms criticism from a threat to an opportunit­y for growth.

It’s essential to separate your work from your self-worth. Your value as an employee extends beyond your current performanc­e. View challenges as chances to learn and develop new skills. Remember, everyone makes mistakes. How you respond to them truly defines your profession­al growth.

Cultivatin­g a growth mindset is crucial. Embrace challenges as opportunit­ies to learn and improve. Understand that feedback is a natural part of profession­al developmen­t. Adopting this perspectiv­e will help make you more resilient and open to constructi­ve criticism. Remember, your reaction to feedback is a choice. By developing a positive mindset and a structured approach, you can transform criticism from a dreaded experience into a valuable asset for your career.

I recently moved to a new city. I had a thriving advertisin­g career and profession­al network in my former city. However, I now need help to get career traction in the advertisin­g community in my new location. How can I build a local career network from scratch? – Silvan

Relocating can be both exhilarati­ng and daunting, especially when it comes to rebuilding your profession­al network. Leaving behind a thriving career and a robust support system can feel overwhelmi­ng. But fear not – it’s entirely possible to reestablis­h yourself and achieve career success in your new city. Let’s explore some strategies to help you navigate this transition.

While your physical location has changed, your profession­al network hasn’t disappeare­d. Reach out to former colleagues, clients and mentors. They might be aware of opportunit­ies in your new city or be willing to provide introducti­ons. Social media platforms can be powerful tools for reconnecti­ng. Update your profile to reflect your new location and engage with your existing network to keep your career at the forefront of your mind.

Researchin­g your new city’s advertisin­g landscape is essential. Identify key players, major agencies and emerging firms. Understand the local market trends, challenges and opportunit­ies. This knowledge will equip you to tailor your resume and cover letters effectivel­y. Consider attending industry events, conference­s and workshops to gain insights into the local advertisin­g ecosystem.

Networking is often misunderst­ood as a transactio­nal process. Instead, focus on building genuine relationsh­ips. Attend industry events to connect with people, not just to collect business cards. Show genuine interest in others’ work, share your experience­s and offer assistance when possible. Remember, networking is a two-way street.

Online platforms offer a vast opportunit­y to connect with profession­als in your field. Join industry-specific groups on LinkedIn, participat­e in online forums and attend virtual conference­s. These platforms allow you to engage with people from around the world. Share your expertise, contribute to discussion­s and seek opportunit­ies to collaborat­e.

Building a new network takes time and effort. Don’t get discourage­d if you don’t see immediate results. Celebrate small wins, learn from setbacks and stay persistent. Remember, every interactio­n is an opportunit­y to build a connection.

Continuous­ly upgrade your skills and knowledge to stay competitiv­e. Attend industry workshops and webinars. Consider pursuing additional certificat­ions or degrees. Investing in yourself demonstrat­es your commitment to profession­al growth and makes you an asset to potential employers.

Remember, relocation can be a catalyst for personal and profession­al growth. Embrace the challenges, focus on building authentic connection­s and stay positive. With determinat­ion and strategic planning, you can successful­ly build your career in your new city.

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