US Weekly



costar and longtime pal Keanu Reeves (during the episode, she laughingly recounted auditionin­g for the role using a paper plate as a bus steering wheel). And in mid-June, Nicole Kidman confirmed she and Bullock are reprising their roles in the upcoming sequel to the 1998 cult classic Practical Magic. “Sandra’s gradually reemerging into public life,” says a source. After turning 60 on July 26, the A-lister is reflecting on everything she’s accomplish­ed — and gearing up for what’s ahead. “She’s excited about what the future holds,” the source adds. “She’s ready to get back in the game.”

Time to Heal

Bullock sent shock waves through Hollywood when she revealed she was going on an acting hiatus while promoting The Lost City in March 2022 (Bullet Train, which came out that August, was her last film to date). “I’m so burnt out. I’m so tired, and

I’m so not capable of making healthy, smart decisions, and I know it,” she explained, noting that she wanted to stay close to home for the foreseeabl­e

Ryan Reynolds

In honor of Bullock’s 59th birthday last July, Reynolds posted an NSFW scene from their 2009 flick, The Proposal, on Instagram, writing, “Happy Birthday to the inimitable and

stunning Sandra Bullock!” future. “I just want to be 24/7 with my babies and my family. That’s where I’m gonna be for a while.”

She took care of Randall during his illness. “Sandra needed the break to be with her family and Bryan,” says a second source. In an Instagram tribute to the late photograph­er (Bullock and Randall met when he took photos of Louis’ fifth-birthday celebratio­n in 2015), Bullock’s sister, Gesine, praised the actress for looking after him. “There is some comfort in knowing he had the best of caretakers in my amazing sister and the band of nurses she assembled,” Gesine wrote.

Losing Randall “has been one of the hardest experience­s Sandra’s gone through,” says the first source. She called him the “love of her life” in a 2021 Red Table Talk interview while discussing why she didn’t feel the need to get married. “We share two beautiful children — three children, his older daughter nd [Skylar, 30]. It’s the best thing ever,” she said. “I don’t need a paper to be a devoted partner… I don’t need to be told to weather a storm with a good man.” She also called Randall a great role model for her kids, telling RTT host Jada Pinkett Smith: “He’s the example that I would want my children to have.”

After his death, she leaned on loved ones — including close pal Jennifer Aniston, with whom she enjoyed a trip to NYC in March. “Everyone from


Channing Tatum

“[The] thing that... [no one] else in the industry does as well as Sandy [is] make you really, really care about her character,” Tatum explained after they worked together on The Lost City.

Keanu Reeves

During a chat on The Ellen DeGeneres Show in 2019, Reeves copped to once having a crush on his Speed costar, gushing, “She’s such a wonderful person and a

wonderful actress.”

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