Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Vallejo honors Times-Herald's Freedman with stage tribute

- By Karenna Meyer kmeyer@thereporte­r.com

For nearly three decades, the Vallejo arts scene benefitted greatly from the avid coverage and journalist­ic prowess of Times-Herald Community Editor Richard Freedman. The heart and soul of the publicatio­n, Freedman spent 27 years as a dedicated profession­al, beloved by many.

Freedman died late last month after a courageous battle with kidney cancer.

Now that same community of comedians and musicians is coming together in gratitude, ready to shine the same light on his legacy that his words and friendship once offered them.

The fundraiser tribute event titled “The Cow has Jumped Over the Moon,” will take place on May 5 at 3 p.m. in the Empress Theatre and help provide financial support to the Freedman family.

The event's title even pays homage to his exceptiona­l community spirit of Freedman, who would wear a cow costume when he helped Loma Vista

Farms with fundraisin­g for its educationa­l programs.

As a local hero, community leader, award-winning reporter, and humanitari­an, it's only fitting that Freedman's memory and life be celebrated by the community.

The event will bring a growing list of Bay Area artists to the stage, including Carlos Reyes, David Sikes from the Band Boston, Jeff Campitelli, Alvon Johnson, Johnny Steele,

Joe Satriani, Peppino D'Agostino and Drew Harrison and the Sun Kings.

“We invite you to join us in honoring the memory of Richard Freedman, a man whose remarkable contributi­ons have touched the lives of so many. Together, we will celebrate his legacy and the positive impact he had on our community,” said Renay Conlin, Executive Director of the Vallejo Center for the Arts.

Throughout his illustriou­s career, Richard Freedman received numerous accolades, including being named Benicia Man of the Year, the 2013 Humanitari­an of the Year by Theta Pi Chapter, Omega Psi Phi Fraternity in Vallejo, and the 2009 West Coast Blues Hall of Fame Award as Blues Journalist of the Year. His selfless dedication to helping those in need and his heartwarmi­ng sense of humor endeared him to all who knew him.

Sponsorshi­p for the event comes from Gene Pedrotti, with support from the Empress Theatre and esteemed area entertaine­rs and promoters including Perry Thorwaldso­n, Thor Audio Solutions, Jim Douglas, Prime Time Entertainm­ent, the Vallejo Times-Herald, and FT Trager Presents.

The event promises to be a memorable evening filled with laughter, music, and heartfelt tributes.

“We invite you to join us in honoring the memory of Richard Freedman, a man whose remarkable contributi­ons have touched the lives of so many.” — Executive Director of the Vallejo Center for the Arts, Renay Conlin


WHAt: “The Cow Jumped Over the Moon” Richard Freedman Tribute Event

WHERE: Empress Theatre, 330 Virginia St, Vallejo.

WHEn: May 5, 3 p.m.

TICKETS: $25 — $75 To purchase visit: empressthe­atre.org/event/tributefre­edman/

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