Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Update reveals no `deviants' in the house

- Contact Amy Dickinson via email, askamy@ amydickins­on.com.

DEAR READERS >> I value hearing back from people who have had their questions published in this space. Like you, I am curious about how people dealt with their dilemmas, and I wonder whether my advice was useful.

I'm happy to publish this “update” from a reader whose original question was published in June 2012.

DEAR AMY >> Here's my update. Twelve years on, I'm happy to report that after paring down our sons' exposure to video games and eliminatin­g the Mature material, they both grew into solid, well-adjusted young men.

Both still enjoy gaming with their father and grandfathe­r, but have many friends, hobbies and sport activities.

I was worried that I would raise social deviants due to the gaming influence, but realized it was about balance.

Our oldest is soon heading to college on a full ride merit scholarshi­p with his gaming computer in tow. — Less Unplugged Mom

DEAR LESS UNPLUGGED >> Time has demonstrat­ed that true social deviancy continues to be very rare, regardless of the presence of video games and worried parents. Well done!

DEAR AMY >> A simple thank you from the bottom of my heart for your simple, thoughtful, compassion­ate, and direct response to “Sad Mother and Grandmothe­r,” whose daughter did not want to include her trans brother in family events.

These are tricky times for many of us trans people, and having compassion from our families and communitie­s is very meaningful.

Last year my sister opted to not invite me to my niece's first birthday party, out of fear I would be very uncomforta­ble around her more libertaria­n and conservati­ve friends, which make up a large majority of her social circle.

After a very heartfelt comment from my mother informing my sister that she might consider letting me make that choice for myself, it seemed to help her.

She now has a more nuanced approach to how she might navigate her protective feelings toward me.

Over this past weekend I received an invitation to my niece's second birthday party. I can't wait! — Ada

DEAR ADA >> Congratula­tions to you and your family; you've created many reasons to celebrate.

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