Times-Herald (Vallejo)

A new Solano County

- — Annie Vogelpohl/Fairfield

As a Solano County resident and Realtor of more than 45 years, I've seen our communitie­s both flourish and also face difficult challenges. In recent years, rising costs of housing have become one of the most critical challenges we face. According to recent data, housing prices in Solano County have increased by more than 25 percent in just the last two years alone. This has not only made Solano County unaffordab­le to many, but it has also created an unfortunat­e trend of young people moving away from home as they become adults.

It saddens me to see every time someone moves away from Solano County to start a family because it's too expensive to do so here. More and more often, grandparen­ts are unable to live near their grandchild­ren simply because the economic landscape has made it impractica­l to raise a family in Solano County. The root cause lies in the fact that there's a lack of good-paying opportunit­ies and a serious gap between the need for more homes and an increasing­ly insufficie­nt supply.

However, by recognizin­g this problem, opportunit­y is knocking to reverse the trend, to embrace change and chart a course toward a more sustainabl­e and inclusive future. By maximizing the potential of the California Forever project, we can build a community focused on the success and prosperity of future generation­s in Solano County.

Imagine a community where our children, grandchild­ren and great-grandchild­ren can afford to build their lives and raise families without facing the daunting financial strains so many currently face. Envision a future where Solano County becomes synonymous with opportunit­y, resilience, and community. It may sound too good to be true for some, but to me it sounds like what every place ought to strive to be. Especially here in Solano County. It's time.

Change can be daunting, but it's often the right thing — and it's very exciting if we're actively participat­ing in the process. By creating a sense of collective ownership, we can ensure that the project reflects the needs of all Solano County residents. As California Forever's listening tour showed last fall, this is a proposal that invites collaborat­ion, welcoming the input and ideas from all corners of our diverse community. After filing its initiative, California Forever was made aware of some concerns from the county, which led to the organizati­on refiling its initiative to address those concerns.

Embracing the California Forever project is not just a choice for Solano County voters; it's a responsibi­lity we owe to our children and grandchild­ren. By actively participat­ing in this transforma­tive project, we can redefine Solano County as a place where dreams take root and thrive. Let's seize this opportunit­y to create a wonderful place for Solano County families for generation­s to come.

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