Times-Herald (Vallejo)

Diaper Drive turned out to be a success in Solano

13,000 diapers collected from a number of organizati­ons

- By Thomas Gase tgase@timesheral­donline.com

The Napa Solano Central Labor Council — in partnershi­p with the Solano First 5 Center and Watch Me Grow Inc — recently completed its “My Bottom Is Top Priority” diaper drive.

The goal of giving out 10,000 diapers was easily met in February with organizati­ons collective­ly stepping up to the challenge to reach approximat­ely 13,000.

“This event came about last year when the CLC was assisting the State Labor Federation in a diaper drive being put on by an affiliated union,” Napa Solano Central Labor Council Executive Director Jon Riley said. “The Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority, Incorporat­ed Upper Solano County Chapter, Tau Upsilon Omega stepped up to the plate and donated over 5,000 diapers. When they asked if we were doing it again we decided that we could organize our own Diaper Drive and reached out to First 5 and Watch Me Grow, Inc. to explore their needs and found out that it is very important to their missions and joined forces to kick off the Drive February 1.”

Diapers were collected at the following locations where each reached out to their universes to collect diapers:

Benicia and Vallejo Chamber

Joseph Nelson Community Center

Operating Engineers Local No. 3

Suisun City Fire Department

RE/MAX Gold Benicia Parents By Choice Vacaville

Vacaville Neighborho­od Boys and Girls Club

Team Hope

“We are so grateful for the support of our community. These donations of diapers and wipes are so meaningful because it means a child in the community will have clean, fresh diapers whenever they need them, a caregiver has one less stress in their day and that families can focus on enjoying their time together.” said Nina Diaz, First 5 Center Director.

Riley said the goal to give out 10,000 diapers was “crushed.”

“The Ladies at the Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority almost reached that goal themselves, delivering almost 7,000 diapers for the cause,” Riley said. “It is always so satisfying to see the generosity of our community and we figured that the fact that everyone has worn them, most have changed them and some will wear them again, it was a very easy ask.”

Jameelah Hanif, founder and CEO of Watch Me Grow, Inc. was also thrilled with the Diaper Drive's results.

“Thank you to those who supported the diaper drive. Your kindness will ensure that parents of infants and toddlers receive the support they are in need of,” Hanif said. “Together, we're making a meaningful difference in our community. Together, we're helping parents and babies one diaper at a time.”

The Diaper drive will return again next year in February with a stated goal of 20,000.

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