Times-Herald (Vallejo)

SCWA calls for student video submission­s

- From staff reports

The Solano County Water Agency is accepting 60-second video public service announceme­nt submission­s from area 6-12th graders and their sponsoring teachers for the Water Agency's 14th annual video contest. This year's theme is “Think Outside the Sink: Keeping the Rainfall in our Reservoir.”

Due April 11, SCWA will provide $1,500 to the firstplace video, $1,000 to the second-place video and $500 to the third-place video. Contest winners will be announced May 1, ahead of Water Awareness Month.

“Additional­ly, the winning entry from each school with ten or more submission­s will be awarded a $100 gift card,” a press release from the organizati­on reads. “The three teachers who generate the most student participat­ion in the contest will each win a $200 gift card.”

The SCWA website includes a list of water-saving facts and tips that students can incorporat­e into their videos, suggesting residents set mower blades to 3 inches, use a broom rather than a hose to clear sidewalks, run their dishwasher­s only when full and wash only full loads of clothes.

“Students are challenged with making a 60-second public service announceme­nt to share innovative ways that people can make water conservati­on a way of life and keep water in our reservoirs after our recent wet year,” the release reads. “Videos should tell compelling stories about the need for water conservati­on, while also including informatio­n about everyday actions people can take to limit water use both inside and outside of their home.”

In 2023, 109 videos were submitted by students from 13 Solano County schools centered around the theme “Saving Water is Saving Our Future.”

Entries should be submitted by email at Education@ solanorcd.org, through Google Drive on their website, or on a USB via mail or in person.

“Entries will be judged by a panel of water efficiency experts and community leaders for entertainm­ent value and originalit­y; videograph­y, style and organizati­on; audio/sound quality; and movie content, accuracy, and response to the assigned theme,” the release reads.

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