Times-Call (Longmont)

Giuliani files for bankruptcy

- By Michael R. Sisak and Larry Neumeister

NEW YORK >> Rudy Giuliani filed for bankruptcy on Thursday, acknowledg­ing severe financial strain exacerbate­d by his pursuit of former President Donald Trump’s lies about the 2020 election and a jury’s verdict last week requiring him to pay $148 million to two former Georgia election workers he defamed.

The former New York City mayor listed nearly $153 million in existing or potential debts, including almost $1 million in state and federal tax liabilitie­s, money he owes lawyers, and many millions of dollars in potential judgments in lawsuits against him. He estimated he had assets worth $1 million to $10 million.

Giuliani had been teetering on the brink of financial ruin for several years, but the eye-popping damages award to former election workers Ruby Freeman and Wandrea’ “Shaye” Moss pushed him over the edge. The women said Giuliani’s targeting of them after Republican Trump narrowly lost Georgia to Democrat Joe Biden led to death threats that made them fear for their lives.

Ted Goodman, a political adviser and spokespers­on for Giuliani, said in a statement that Giuliani’s decision to seek bankruptcy protection “should be a surprise to no one” because “no person could have reasonably believed that Mayor Giuliani would be able to pay such a high punitive amount.”

The Chapter 11 filing will give Giuliani “the opportunit­y and time to pursue an appeal, while providing transparen­cy for his finances under the supervisio­n of the bankruptcy court, to ensure all creditors are treated equally and fairly throughout the process,” Goodman said.

But declaring bankruptcy likely won’t erase the $148 million verdict. Bankruptcy law doesn’t allow for the dissolutio­n of debts that come from a “willful and malicious injury” inflicted on someone else. A judge said Wednesday that Freeman and Moss could start pursuing payment immediatel­y, saying any delay could give Giuliani time to hide assets.

“This maneuver is unsurprisi­ng, and it will not succeed in dischargin­g Mr. Giuliani’s debt to Ruby Freeman and Shaye Moss,” their lawyer, Michael Gottlieb, said.

After the verdict, Giuliani repeated his stolen election claims, insisted he did nothing wrong and suggested he’d keep pressing his claims even if it meant losing all his money or going to jail. His rhetoric prompted Freeman and Moss to sue him again this week.

The Dec. 15 verdict was the latest and costliest sign of the mounting financial toll incurred by the 79-year-old Giuliani, a onetime Republican presidenti­al candidate and highrankin­g Justice Department official once heralded as “America’s Mayor” for his calm and steady leadership after the terrorist attacks on Sept. 11, 2001.

Once swimming in cash as a globetrott­ing security consultant, Giuliani’s money woes intensifie­d amid investigat­ions, lawsuits, fines, sanctions, and damages related to his work helping Trump try to overturn the 2020 election.

Among his potential debts, he listed lawsuits brought by two voting machine manufactur­ers who say he and others defamed them with claims of a stolen election.

A lawyer for Giuliani, Adam Katz, suggested at an August court hearing in one of those cases that Giuliani was “close to broke,” and unable to pay a number of bills, including a $12,000 to $18,000 tab for a company to search through his electronic records for evidence.

In court papers rebuffing voting machine-maker Smartmatic’s demand for an accounting of his finances, Giuliani’s lawyers disclosed that he was so hard up for money that he solicited third-party donations to pay a prior $300,000 bill to the electronic discovery firm.

In September, Giuliani’s former lawyer Robert Costello sued him for nearly $1.4 million in unpaid legal bills. Giuliani claimed he never received them. The case is pending.

Costello represente­d Giuliani from November 2019 to this past July in matters ranging from an investigat­ion into his business dealings in Ukraine, which resulted in an FBI raid on his home and office in April 2021, to investigat­ions of his work in the wake of Trump’s 2020 election loss.

Investigat­ors noted Giuliani’s dwindling finances in court papers unsealed this week from the 2021 raid, raising his need for money as possible motivation for his interest in aiding a Ukrainian official. Citing bank records and other informatio­n, they said Giuliani had gone from having about $1.2 million in the bank and $40,000 in credit card debt in January 2018 to about $288,000 in cash and $110,000 credit debt in February 2019. Giuliani was never charged with a crime as a result of that investigat­ion.

Giuliani’s other lawsuits, which he listed as potential liabilitie­s, include one brought against him by Biden’s son Hunter, who alleges Giuliani was responsibl­e for the “total annihilati­on” of his digital privacy by accessing and sharing his personal data from his laptop computer.

Giuliani is also being sued by a woman who said she worked for him. She alleges he owed her nearly $2 million in unpaid wages and coerced her into sex. Another lawsuit involves a man who claims Giuliani defamed him after he slapped the ex-mayor on the back at a supermarke­t. Giuliani has denied the woman’s claims and has asked for the man’s lawsuit to be thrown out.

 ?? JOSE LUIS MAGANA — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE ?? Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference outside the federal courthouse in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2023. Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy in a New York court less than a week after a jury returned a $148million judgment against him over lies about two Georgia election workers.
JOSE LUIS MAGANA — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS FILE Former Mayor of New York Rudy Giuliani speaks during a news conference outside the federal courthouse in Washington, Friday, Dec. 15, 2023. Giuliani has filed for bankruptcy in a New York court less than a week after a jury returned a $148million judgment against him over lies about two Georgia election workers.

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