The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Stephen vs. Sabrina is an All-Star matchup that was a long time coming

- By Tim Reynolds

She’s the player with the best 3-point contest performanc­e in NBA or WNBA history. He’s made more 3-pointers than anyone who’s ever played at the highest level.

Sabrina Ionescu. Stephen Curry.

She’s one of his favorites and led the WNBA in 3-pointers made last season. He’s one of her idols and is the NBA’s all-time 3-point leader. And on Saturday night in Indianapol­is at All-Star weekend, they will go head-to-head in a 3-point contest — Steph vs. Sabrina, one that’s already got both of them amped up for a competitio­n on a global stage like none other between NBA and WNBA stars.

“It’s going to be a great experience for us both,” Ionescu said.

Added Curry: “It’s an authentic competitio­n between two great shooters.”

It’s not their first time facing off — the New York Liberty and Golden State Warriors stars have played HORSE against each other, and from the way they were telling the story on Tuesday night, it was clear that Ionescu won that matchup.

Their relationsh­ip goes back well over a decade and they’ve been in the stands to see each other play; Ionescu is a kid from the Bay Area whose family had Warriors season tickets, Curry took his daughters to see Ionescu play when she was at Oregon facing Cal in 2020. Ionescu talked to Curry’s girls that night and neither they, nor their dad, forgot that act of kindness.

There is a clear, deep respect between the two. The winner on Saturday night gets bragging rights, but both of them know there’s a far bigger prize than winning.

“I think a lot of people are either on one side or the other of their reactions, like this dopest thing in the world, it’s the first of its kind and it’ll be something that kind of changes the narrative of what it looks like,” Curry said. “But then also, there is the camp that’s like ‘Oh, you’ve got a lot on the line. You really want to take on that challenge? What if you lose?’ There’s a lot of fear attached to it, really, I guess. This is what sports is about.”

Here’s how we got here: Ionescu put on a shooting show for all-time in the WNBA’s 3-point contest last summer. She missed her first shot of that final round, then made her next 20 — yes, 20 — before missing again, and then she made her final five. The totals: 25-for-27 shooting, from seven different 3-point spots on the floor, in 63 seconds.

Ionescu posed for a photo imitating Curry’s famous lights-out pose while holding her trophy at the WNBA event and raised the possibilit­y of a matchup. She had just scored 37 shootout points; Curry’s best in the NBA version of the 3-point contest is 31.

Then came last month, when Curry was wired with a microphone for Golden State’s game against Sacramento and had a discussion with Warriors teammate Brandin Podziemski about Ionescu.

 ?? THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? Steph Curry and Sabrina Ionescu will have a 3-point shootout at the NBA’s All-Star weekend.
THE ASSOCIATED PRESS Steph Curry and Sabrina Ionescu will have a 3-point shootout at the NBA’s All-Star weekend.

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