The Trentonian (Trenton, NJ)

Republican­s pause push to hold Hunter Biden in contempt

- By Ryan Tarinelli CQ-Roll Call

WASHINGTON >> House Republican­s on Tuesday halted plans to hold Hunter Biden in contempt of Congress, with the head of the House Rules Committee saying conversati­ons between lawmakers and attorneys for the president’s son were ongoing.

The panel was scheduled Tuesday to tee up for floor action two measures that recommende­d the House hold the president’s son in contempt of Congress for defying subpoenas last month, when he failed to appear for a closed-door deposition.

But House Rules Chairman Tom Cole, R-Okla., on Tuesday said the panel would not be taking testimony on the reports, one from the House Oversight and Accountabi­lity Committee and another from the House Judiciary Committee.

“I understand that conversati­ons between Mr. Biden’s attorneys and the Oversight and Judiciary committees are ongoing, and we will not meet tonight on this matter while discussion­s about this compliance remain open,” Cole said. “However, should those conversati­ons not prove successful, our Rules committee may reconvene this week to consider those reports.”

The pause extends the showdown between House Republican­s and Hunter Biden over whether he will sit for a deposition. House Republican­s have aimed for months to connect the president with his son’s business dealings and have investigat­ed alleged influence peddling from Hunter Biden when Joe Biden was vice president.

In a letter dated Friday, Hunter Biden’s attorney informed lawmakers that his client would comply with a deposition if a “new proper subpoena” was issued, and lawmakers over the weekend said they were prepared to issue subpoenas for a deposition.

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