The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

Gun supervisor for ‘Rust’ movie gets 18 months in prison for fatal shooting by Alec Baldwin on set

- By Morgan Lee

SANTA FE, N.M. >> A movie weapons supervisor was sentenced to 18 months in prison in the fatal shooting of a cinematogr­apher by Alec Baldwin on the set of the Western film “Rust,” at a sentencing hearing Monday in a New Mexico state court.

Movie armorer Hannah Gutierrez-Reed was convicted in March by a jury on a charge of involuntar­y manslaught­er in the death of cinematogr­apher Halyna Hutchins and has been held for more than a month at a county jail on the outskirts of Santa Fe.

Baldwin, the lead actor and co-producer for “Rust,” was pointing a gun at Hutchins when the revolver went off, killing Hutchins and wounding director Joel Souza.

Baldwin has pleaded not guilty to a charge of involuntar­y manslaught­er in the shooting death of Halyna Hutchins. He is scheduled for trial in July at a courthouse in Santa Fe.

The sentence against Gutierrez-Reed was delivered by New Mexico Judge Mary Marlowe Summer who is overseeing proceeding­s against Baldwin.

Prosecutor­s blamed Gutierrez-Reed for unwittingl­y bringing live ammunition onto the set of “Rust” where it was expressly prohibited and for failing to follow basic gun safety protocols. After a two-week trial, the jury deliberate­d for about three hours in reaching its verdict.

Gutierrez-Reed teared up Monday as Hutchins’ agent, Craig Mizrahi, spoke about the cinematogr­apher’s creativity and described her as a rising star in Hollywood. He said it was a chain of events that led to Hutchins’ death and that had the armorer been doing her job, that chain would have been broken.

Friends and family, including Souza, told the court they were seeking justice for what had happened to the cinematogr­apher. They said she was “a bright beam of light,” describing her as courageous, tenacious and compassion­ate.

Los Angeles-based attorney Gloria Allred read a statement by Hutchins’ mother, Olga Solovey, who said her life had been split in two and that time didn’t heal, rather it only prolonged her pain and suffering. A video of a tearful Solovey, who lives in Ukraine, also was played for the court.

“It’s the hardest thing to lose a child. There’s no words to describe,” Solovey said in her native language.

Defense attorneys for Gutierrez-Reed requested leniency in sentencing — including a possible conditiona­l discharge that would avoid further jail time and leave an adjudicati­on of guilt off her record if certain conditions are met.

Gutierrez-Reed was acquitted at trial of allegation­s she tampered with evidence in the “Rust” investigat­ion. She also has pleaded not guilty to a separate felony charge that she allegedly carried a gun into a bar in Santa Fe where firearms are prohibited.

Defense attorneys have highlighte­d Gutierrez-Reed’s relatively young age “and the devastatin­g effect a felony will have on her life going forward.”

They say the 26-year-old will forever be affected negatively by intense publicity associated with her prosecutio­n in parallel with an A-list actor, and has suffered from anxiety, fear and depression as a result.

Special prosecutor Kari Morrissey urged the judge to impose the maximum prison sentence and designate Gutierrez-Reed as a “serious violent offender” to limit her eligibilit­y for a sentence reduction later, describing the defendant’s behavior on the set of “Rust” as exceptiona­lly reckless.

Morrissey told the judge Monday that she reviewed nearly 200 phone calls that Gutierrez-Reed had made from jail over the last month. She said she was hoping there would be a moment when the defendant would take responsibi­lity for what happened or express genuine remorse.

“That moment has never come,” Morrissey said. “Ms. Gutierrez continues to refuse to accept responsibi­lity for her role in the death of Halyna Hutchins.”

“Rust” assistant director and safety coordinato­r Dave Halls last year pleaded no contest to negligent handling of a firearm and completed a sentence of six months unsupervis­ed probation. “Rust” props master Sarah Zachry, who shared some responsibi­lities over firearms on the set of “Rust,” signed an agreement with prosecutor­s to avoid prosecutio­n in return with her cooperatio­n.

Written testimonia­ls in favor of leniency included letters from Gutierrez-Reed’s childhood friend and romantic partner Sean Kridelbaug­h, who said Gutierrez-Reed cries constantly out of remorse in the shooting and that further incarcerat­ion would interfere with efforts to care for a relative with cancer. Other friends and former colleagues urged the judge to emphasize rehabilita­tion over punishment in the sentencing.

 ?? LUIS SÁNCHEZ SATURNO — SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN VIA AP, FILE ?? Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the former armorer at the movie “Rust,” listens to closing arguments in her trial at district court on March 6in Santa Fe, N.M.
LUIS SÁNCHEZ SATURNO — SANTA FE NEW MEXICAN VIA AP, FILE Hannah Gutierrez-Reed, the former armorer at the movie “Rust,” listens to closing arguments in her trial at district court on March 6in Santa Fe, N.M.

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