The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)


- Photos and text from The Associated Press

Broadway-bound ‘Sunset Boulevard’ and star Nicole Scherzinge­r win big at London’s Olivier awards

LONDON >> A radical restaging of Hollywood film noir musical “Sunset Boulevard” was the big winner on Sunday at the London stage Olivier Awards, taking seven trophies including best musical revival and best actress for American star Nicole Scherzinge­r.

Soccer-themed state-of-the-nation drama “Dear England” was named best new play, while Sarah Snook and Mark Gatiss were among the acting winners.

Scherzinge­r was rewarded for her performanc­e as fading silver screen star Norma Desmond in a flashy revival of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s “Sunset Boulevard,” three decades after the musical’s 1990s debut. Her co-star Tom Francis won the correspond­ing best actor prize as a struggling screenwrit­er fatefully drawn into Desmond’s orbit.

Jamie Lloyd took the directing trophy for the technicall­y innovative production, which melds live video with the onstage action and also won Oliviers for sound and lighting design. It’s due to open in New York later this year, and Lloyd predicted it would “take Broadway by storm.”

Scherzinge­r said that when she was growing up in Kentucky, “I always wanted to be a singer and do musicals.”

“I dreamed of so many roles I wanted to do, and honestly, this role, Norma Desmond, was not one of those roles,” she said. “But God works in mysterious ways.”

The prize for best new musical went to “Operation Mincemeat,” a word-of-mouth hit based on an audacious real-life espionage operation that deceived the Nazis during World War II. The show began life in a tiny theater in 2019 and has moved to progressiv­ely larger venues, gathering accolades along the way.

“Stranger Things: The First Shadow,” a dazzlingly staged prequel to the Netflix supernatur­al series, was named best new entertainm­ent or comedy.

The Oliviers — the U.K. equivalent of Broadway’s Tony Awards — are celebratin­g a bumper year for new shows in the West End, finally bouncing back from the COVID-19 pandemic. Several winners lamented the soaring cost of theater tickets, and cuts to arts education that are squeezing working-class talent out of theatrical careers and theater audiences.

 ?? ?? Nicole Scherzinge­r, winner of the best actress in a musical award for “Sunset Boulevard,” in the winner’s room during the Olivier Awards on Sunday in London.
Nicole Scherzinge­r, winner of the best actress in a musical award for “Sunset Boulevard,” in the winner’s room during the Olivier Awards on Sunday in London.

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