The Times Herald (Norristown, PA)

EYES ON THE SKY Montco residents gather at viewing events

- By Rachel Ravina

>> Patrons on the patio of Magerk’s Fort Washington bar and restaurant watched with awe Monday afternoon as the long-awaited solar eclipse passed through the skies over Montgomery County. The pleasant conditions brought people from across Montgomery County, enjoying food and beverages as they witnessed the celestial event with special glasses provided to patrons.

“It’s a moment in history,” said Rob Haines, of Ambler. He and his wife, Sarah, viewed the 2017 eclipse in Philadelph­ia, but opted to stay in the suburbs for Monday’s event. Shannon Dougherty, of Philadelph­ia, came out with her mom and sister, Allison and Chelsea Durkin, of Jenkintown. “I think it’s just cool that we’re able to do this — the three of us. It’s something that we’ll always remember,” Dougherty said.

A group of Fort Washington Elementary School kids attended as the Upper Dublin School District instituted a halfday on Monday. “We want to see the solar eclipse,” said Logan Jaroski, 8. “I told the kids we have a half day of school we should go somewhere fun to look at it,” said mom Haley Jaroski.

Meg Ryan, of Ambler, and Kris Smith, of Fort Washington, shared a similar sentiment. Smith described it as “awe inspiring,” having taken off from work “because you’ve got to see it.” Ryan agreed. “It’s just really exciting to see the eclipse,” she said, adding that it’s “something nice to talk about.”

Another patron joined in the conversati­on and could be heard saying there’s “no politics today,” and that people should come together for this moment. “I think for me, just to see something that naturally happens regardless of what we do to the earth is pretty cool. The earth will always evolve,” Ryan said.

Clouds spoil view for some as North America darkens

People don special glasses to witness the solar eclipse on April 8, 2024at Magerk’s Fort Washington.

 ?? RACHEL RAVINA — MEDIANEWS GROUP ?? Patrons are pictured pointing with excitement on Monday amid a solar eclipse watch party on Magerk’s Fort Washington’s patio.
RACHEL RAVINA — MEDIANEWS GROUP Patrons are pictured pointing with excitement on Monday amid a solar eclipse watch party on Magerk’s Fort Washington’s patio.
 ?? RACHEL RAVINA — MEDIANEWS GROUP ?? Jenkintown residents Chelsea Dunkin, left, Alison Durkim, center, and Shannon Dougherty, right, of Philadelph­ia, enjoy beverages on the patio of Magerk’s Fort Washington on April 8, 2024, during an eclipse watch party.
RACHEL RAVINA — MEDIANEWS GROUP Jenkintown residents Chelsea Dunkin, left, Alison Durkim, center, and Shannon Dougherty, right, of Philadelph­ia, enjoy beverages on the patio of Magerk’s Fort Washington on April 8, 2024, during an eclipse watch party.

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