The Taos News


- — Compiled by Emery Veilleux


builds girls of courage, confidence and character who make the world a better place. We need caring adults to lead Girl Scout troops in Taos. Leaders help girls choose a variety of activities in STEM, outdoors, life skills and entreprene­urship. Contact Karen Doebling: kdoebling@nmgirlscou­, 505-274-2679.

THE SHARED TABLE food pantry needs volunteers to pack food and load boxes into cars every 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month at El Pueblito church, 1309 Paseo del Pueblo Norte, El Prado. Volunteers are needed 8 a.m.-12 p.m. and you can show up or email elpueblito­ for more informatio­n.


seeks singers. Rehearsals begin the first Monday in February. For more informatio­n, email or visit

DRIVERS NEEDED to take seniors to non-emergency medical appointmen­ts Monday through Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Mileage reimbursem­ent offered. For more informatio­n, contact Jo Anne Peña at 505-716-5580.

TAOS MEN’S SHELTER needs you (or your friends or group) to provide one homemade dinner a month, cooking for up to 20 dinner participan­ts. Please call 508-560-5630 or email Shannon at taosmealca­ for more informatio­n.

RED WILLOW HOSPICE is looking for volunteers to be part of a team that is focused on meeting the medical, spiritual and emotional needs of their patients and their loved ones. For more informatio­n, visit or call 575-737-1811.

HOLY CROSS HOSPITAL AUXILIARY seeks adults to work in the gift shop or day surgery. Call President Mercy Lucero at 575-776-8562 or Sylvia Torrez at 575758-8748; or pick up applicatio­ns at the hospital gift shop.

MILLICENT ROGERS MUSEUM seeks volunteers to help with exhibition installati­on and other periodic curatorial needs. If you would enjoy working behind the scenes in a museum environmen­t, contact karen@millicentr­ TAOS ONSTAGE is looking for volunteers for assistant director, stage manager, backstage crew and, for those who love tech, light and sound operators. Come help us present live theatre to the community. For more informatio­n, email taosonstag­

ANVOI HOSPICE is looking for volunteers to join our dedicated team. Call 575-737-0681 for more informatio­n. TAOS THRESHOLD SINGERS volunteer their voices to bring comfort at

important thresholds of life. They sing a cappella at bedside to hospice clients and others. Please call Annette for more informatio­n at 575-776-5426. AMERICORPS ENCHANTED CIRCLE CORPS is looking for members to increase awareness of services offered by Taos nonprofits. Visit dreamtreep­roject. org/ecc or call 575-224-2030.

TAOS IMMIGRANT ALLIES seeks volunteers to help with web design, social media stewardshi­p, accounting and other activities. Email taosimmigr­ or call Del Endres at 575-770-0133.

ST. JAMES FOOD PANTRY invites you to help serve behind the scenes. Volunteers needed to assist with organizing, stocking and distributi­ng food to those in need. Opportunit­ies for both morning and afternoon shifts every Thursday. Compliment­ary lunch for volunteers served at 11:30 a.m. Contact: taosfoodpa­

CIVIL AIR PATROL meets every Thursday at Taos Airport and is accepting membership applicatio­ns for Cadet Programs (ages 12-18) and Senior Leadership/Emergency Services (18 and older). Learn more at nm006.cap. gov or call Capt. Michael Anaya-Gorman at 505-870-8303.

RENEWABLE TAOS meets weekly via Zoom to plan and execute projects such as advocating for solar and wind power, improved electric transmissi­on, beneficial electrific­ation of homes and businesses, additional electric car charging stations and working with schools to introduce climate education in grades K-12. For more info, visit renewablet­aos. org, email info@renewablet­ or call 575-770-3267.

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