The Sun (Lowell)

Governor’s 1st Youth Advisory Council sworn in

Inaugural members include local youths

- By Peter Currier

BOSTON >> Members of the newly establishe­d Youth Advisory Council were sworn in March 25 to advise the administra­tion of Gov. Maura Healey on issues important to youth like civic engagement, climate change, housing, mental health and youth violence.

The advisory council was establishe­d in September through an executive order signed by Healey. The council features at least one Massachuse­tts resident aged 16-21 from each of the state’s 14 counties. There are nine members of the council from Middlesex County, including Greater Lowell Technical High School student Nichollas Morais of Lowell and Thomas Marshall of Dracut. Applicatio­ns for youths to serve on the council have been closed in most counties except for Dukes and Nantucket counties, which are still taking applicatio­ns and currently have no members.

“Every day, our administra­tion is making policy decisions that have a significan­t impact on the lives of young people for generation­s to come. Now, through this advisory council, they will have a direct say in their futures,” Healey said in a statement. “We hear from young people all the time about the issues that matter to them most — everything from climate, to education, to mental health, to gun violence. This advisory council opens up the door for conversati­on, recommenda­tions and action. I look forward to working with each and every single member as we work together to make Massachuse­tts more affordable, competitiv­e and equitable for all.”

Each of the 60 members of the council are appointed to two-year terms, and they will lead certain state initiative­s, listening sessions and working groups with other youths who applied to be on the council.

“The young people of

Massachuse­tts are deeply motivated, inspired and brilliant. Their perspectiv­e on some of our state’s most pressing challenges offer us a new approach toward solutions, and we cannot wait to hear from this advisory council on their ideas,” said Lt Gov. Kim Driscoll. “It’s so important that we offer a seat at the table for everyone whose lives will be impacted by the decisions we make as an administra­tion. Our youth are no exception. This advisory council will help us address the issues of today and the future together.”

State Rep. Rodney Elliott, who was at the ceremony and represents the 16th Middlesex District where Morais is from, said he was pleased to have youth representa­tion at the state level from the city of Lowell.

“I think it is a great honor for the city to have a representa­tive be part of the governor’s youth council. I think it is a great thing for him to be a representa­tive for the city and to advocate for those issues he sees and hears in his high school,” Elliott said in an April 2 phone call. “It is important that they advocate and bring to her attention those issues that affect youth, whether it is social media, mental health, substance abuse, and other things that are important to them like jobs and education, financing.”

 ?? COURTESY STATE REP. RODNEY ELLIOTT ?? In a March 25, 2024ceremo­ny, 60members of the newly establishe­d Youth Advisory Council were sworn in to advise Massachuse­tts Gov. Maura Healey’s office on matters that are of importance to today’s youth, like civic engagement, climate change, housing, mental health and youth violence.
COURTESY STATE REP. RODNEY ELLIOTT In a March 25, 2024ceremo­ny, 60members of the newly establishe­d Youth Advisory Council were sworn in to advise Massachuse­tts Gov. Maura Healey’s office on matters that are of importance to today’s youth, like civic engagement, climate change, housing, mental health and youth violence.
 ?? COURTESY STATE REP. RODNEY ELLIOTT ?? From left, state Rep. Rodney Elliott, newly sworn-in Youth Advisory Council member and Greater Lowell Tech student Nichollas Morais of Lowell, and Massachuse­tts Gov. Maura Healey at the swearing-in of the council March 25, 2024.
COURTESY STATE REP. RODNEY ELLIOTT From left, state Rep. Rodney Elliott, newly sworn-in Youth Advisory Council member and Greater Lowell Tech student Nichollas Morais of Lowell, and Massachuse­tts Gov. Maura Healey at the swearing-in of the council March 25, 2024.

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