The Sun (Lowell)

Biden, Trump win 4 states’ primaries

- By Jonathan J. Cooper and Teresa Crawford The Associated Press

KENOSHA, WIS. >> Voters in four states weighed in Tuesday on their parties’ presidenti­al nominees, a largely symbolic vote now that both President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump have locked up the Democratic and Republican nomination­s.

Biden and Trump easily won primaries in Rhode Island, Connecticu­t, New York and Wisconsin, adding to their delegate hauls for their party convention­s this summer.

Their victories, while hardly surprising, neverthele­ss offer clues about enthusiasm among base voters for the upcoming 2020 rematch that has left a majority of Americans underwhelm­ed.

In particular, the tallies in Wisconsin, a pivotal November battlegrou­nd, will give hints about the share of Republican­s who still aren’t on board with Trump and how many Democrats are disillusio­ned with Biden. Trump campaigned Tuesday in Wisconsin and Michigan, two Midwest battlegrou­nds.

“Donald Trump is the first person I can remember who actually tried to keep all of the promises that he made during the campaign,” said Scott Lindemann, a 62-year-old contractor in Kenosha, Wisconsin, who voted for the former president in the GOP primary. “I was very impressed with that.”

All four states voting Tuesday have multiple candidates on the ballot, and three of them also have an option to vote for “uncommitte­d” or “uninstruct­ed delegate.” Biden has faced opposition from activists encouragin­g Democrats to vote against Biden to send a message of disapprova­l for his handling of the war between Israel and Hamas.

“Uncommitte­d” in Rhode Island and Connecticu­t was getting a similar share of the vote as protest campaigns in Minnesota and Michigan, which got 19% and 13% respective­ly.

In New York, 70-year-old Steve Wheatley, a registered Republican, said he wishes there were more candidates to choose from. He said he voted for Nikki Haley even though “she has no shot” because of the lack of options.

“We need younger candidates with fresh ideas to run for president,” said Wheatley, a resident of Athens, a small town in the Hudson Valley. “I prefer a Democrat but our choices are thin. Look at what Biden has done so far with the economy.”

Theresa Laabs, a 55-yearold cashier in Kenosha, said her family is feeling the squeeze from higher food and gasoline prices, but she voted for Biden in the Democratic primary because she feels like he’s working to alleviate inflation.

“I understand it’s the economy now, and I’m hoping that Joe will keep working even harder in the next four years to try and bring these things down and make it easier for the working family,” Laabs said.

Trump and Biden turned their attention to the general election weeks ago after Haley dropped out of the

GOP contest. Biden visited all the top battlegrou­nds last month after his State of the Union speech.

Biden and the Democratic National Committee have outpaced Trump and the Republican­s in fundraisin­g. Biden claimed the largest single-event fundraisin­g record last week when he took in $26 million at a star-studded New York event last week with big names from the entertainm­ent world teamed up with the president and his Democratic predecesso­rs, Barack Obama and Bill Clinton.

Trump is looking to one-up his rival with a fundraiser in Palm Beach, Florida, this weekend that he hopes will bring in $33 million.

With the presidenti­al candidates locking up their parties’ nomination­s, turnout was slow in Rhode Island, where only 4% of eligible voters had cast ballots by 5 p.m., a figure that included Tuesday’s in-person votes as well as mail-in and early votes.

It was slow across the border in Connecticu­t as well, where early voting was held for the first time in state history. Secretary of the State Stephanie Thomas said turnout was only 1% to 2% in some communitie­s by 11 a.m., while it was 4% in Stamford, one of the state’s larger cities. “What we have been hearing on the ground from people over the last few weeks is that this isn’t a competitiv­e primary,” she said about the low numbers.

 ?? MORRY GASH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS ?? A voter braves a cold rain running to cast a ballot during the Spring election Tuesday in Fox Point, Wis.
MORRY GASH — THE ASSOCIATED PRESS A voter braves a cold rain running to cast a ballot during the Spring election Tuesday in Fox Point, Wis.

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