The Sun (Lowell)

Iranian poet named 2024 Greeley Peace Scholar

Resistance leader to speak in Boston today, visit campus in April

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LOWELL >> Iranian writer, activist and feminist scholar Fatemeh Shams has been named Umass Lowell’s 2024 Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies.

Shams is a poet and essayist whose leadership in Iran’s Green Movement in 2009 landed her and her family in exile. An advocate for political change, structural justice and gender equality, her work advances Iranian and Afghan women’s rights to bodily autonomy and intellectu­al freedom.

As the 2024 Greeley Scholar, Shams will visit Umass Lowell next month to lead programs for the campus community, including the national Day Without Violence, which showcases these causes.

She will also be the keynote speaker at free events open to the public in Lowell and Boston. These programs include:

• Wednesday, March 20, 2 p.m. — Shams will read from her poetry at the Lucy Parsons Center, 358 Centre

St. A, Jamaica Plain.

• Thursday, April 4, 9 a.m. — Shams will be the featured speaker during a virtual event hosted by the Greater Lowell Interfaith Leadership Alliance. Members of the public who wish to join the conversati­on online should visit GLILA-SHAMS.

• Tuesday, April 9, 10 a.m. — Umass Lowell’s annual Day Without Violence observance will feature Shams’ presentati­on “Girls of Revolution and the Future of Feminist Resistance Movement in Iran,” at Allen House, 2 Solomont Way, Lowell, on the university’s South Campus.

“To be selected as this year’s Umass Lowell Greeley Peace Scholar is a profoundly meaningful recognitio­n and honor. Lowell, with its long and rich history of labor movement, and its significan­ce as the birthplace of the first union-working women, stands as a symbol of inspiratio­n and hope. For someone who has dedicated a significan­t portion of their life to the pursuit of gender justice, this recognitio­n holds immense joy and meaning,” Shams said. “To be Greeley Scholar while my region is plagued by war and violence, my commitment to peace and non-violent resistance remains steadfast. I hope that through my contributi­ons during this visit,

I can further enrich the discourse on peace-making and resistance, particular­ly in the context of gender justice.”

Shams was born in Mashhad, Iran, where her mother’s undergroun­d library fueled her love of literature and became a safe haven from the country’s conservati­ve political and religious environmen­t. She was recognized with a silver medal of Iran’s National Olympiad of Literature when she was 16; her poetry and essays lay bare the fundamenta­l struggles of her era: tyranny, sexual violence, self-determinat­ion, alienation, forced displaceme­nt, and loss of the

mother tongue.

Among other works, she is the author of the monograph, “A Revolution in Rhyme: Poetic Co-option Under the Islamic Republic,” and “When They Broke Down the Door.” Her work has been featured in Poetry Magazine, Michigan Quarterly Review, London Poetry Magazine, World Literature Today, Penguin Book of Feminist Verse, and Penguin Anthology of Persian Women Poets, and elsewhere.

“We are excited to bring to Umass Lowell Fatemeh Shams as the 2024 Greeley Scholar. In keeping with this year’s theme, ‘Imagining New Possibilit­ies with Feminist and Queer Resistance,’ the Greeley Advisory Board sought to identify a scholar whose life and work exemplify the transforma­tive potential of these concerns,” said Urmitapa Dutta, chair of the Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies Board and a Umass Lowell associate professor of psychology. “Dr. Shams’ contributi­ons highlight how feminism impacts multiple arenas. We believe our students and the public

will greatly benefit from the insights she brings to the table.”

Greeley Scholars are selected for their achievemen­ts as humanitari­ans and their efforts promoting peace and conflict resolution at the local, regional, national or internatio­nal level. With the honor, Shams joins a roster of distinguis­hed past recipients.

The honor is named for the late Rev. Dana Mclean Greeley, who was a longtime Unitarian Universali­st minister in Concord. The Greeley Scholar Program is funded by the Greeley Endowment for Peace Studies, establishe­d with a gift from the Dana Mclean Greeley Foundation for Peace and Justice and a contributi­on from the Commonweal­th of Massachuse­tts via the Umass Foundation. In addition, this year’s programs are sponsored by Umass Lowell’s College of Fine Arts, Humanities and Social Sciences.

Created in 1966 by what was then known as the Peace Studies Associatio­n, the Day Without Violence is held each April on college campuses to pay homage to the work and legacy of the Rev. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

 ?? COURTESY UMASS LOWELL ?? Iranian poet Fatemeh Shams is Umass Lowell’s 2024 Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies. She will visit the university to lead free programs for the campus and the community.
COURTESY UMASS LOWELL Iranian poet Fatemeh Shams is Umass Lowell’s 2024 Greeley Scholar for Peace Studies. She will visit the university to lead free programs for the campus and the community.

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