The Sun (Lowell)

Community invited for St. Patrick’s Day lunch

- Submitted article

BILLERICA >> Shawsheen Valley Technical High School’s Culinary Arts and Hospitalit­y Management program are set to dazzle taste buds with a specially crafted St. Patrick’s Day-inspired menu, available for dining in or takeout on March 13 and 15.

Guests are invited to immerse themselves in the spirit of the Irish, as students prepare and serve a delightful St. Patrick’s Day feast in Shawsheen’s Ram’s Head Dining Room, open to the public. The menu, priced at $11 per person, offers three entrée options, each accompanie­d by an array of sides which include Irish Potato soup, Irish soda bread, dessert, and coffee/ tea.

The featured entrées are:

• Corned Beef and Cabbage Platter with carrots and Red Bliss Potatoes

• Irish Lamb Stew with carrots, onions, turnip, peas, and potatoes

• Grilled Smoked Turkey Reuben Sandwich “Rachel Style”

Whether patrons prefer to enjoy the festive atmosphere in-house or opt for the convenienc­e of takeout, pre-orders and reservatio­ns are recommende­d.

“We are happy to showcase the culinary talents of our students with this special St. Patrick’s Day menu,” said Vocational Director Dave Norkiewicz. “The different offerings reflect the skills and creativity that our students bring to the table.”

To secure a reservatio­n or pre-order your St. Patrick’s Day meal, contact the Ram’s Head Dining Room at 978-671-3668 or visit Shawsheent­

Don’t miss the chance to savor the flavors of Ireland expertly crafted by the students of Shawsheen Valley Technical High School. Join us for a memorable St. Patrick’s Day celebratio­n filled with delicious food and warm hospitalit­y.

 ?? ALLISON CAMMARATA — SHAWSHEEN TECH ?? Shawsheen Tech’s Culinary Arts and Hospitalit­y Management students are inviting the community to come and enjoy St. Patrick’s Day-inspired lunches, available for dining in or takeout on March 13 and 15.
ALLISON CAMMARATA — SHAWSHEEN TECH Shawsheen Tech’s Culinary Arts and Hospitalit­y Management students are inviting the community to come and enjoy St. Patrick’s Day-inspired lunches, available for dining in or takeout on March 13 and 15.

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