The Standard Journal

State sues over rejection of ‘Georgia-centric’ Medicaid plan

- By Dave Williams

The state of Georgia and the federal government remain at loggerhead­s over Gov. Brian Kemp's limited expansion of the state's Medicaid program.

The state filed a lawsuit in federal court in Brunswick on Friday seeking an extension of the fiveyear program being denied by the federal Centers for Medicare and

Medicaid Services.

The agency approved Georgia Pathways in October 2020 during the Trump administra­tion. The program provides coverage to Georgians with incomes up to 100% of the Federal Poverty Level — a lower threshold than the Affordable Care Act, which covers those with incomes up to 138% of the poverty level.

Unlike the federal Medicaid program, Georgia Pathways also requires enrollees to participat­e in at least 80 hours per month of “qualifying” activities, including work but also education, job training, or community service.

In 2021, after Democrat Joe Biden succeeded Republican Donald Trump in the White House, CMS rescinded its approval of Georgia Pathways because of the work requiremen­t. The state sued, and in a 2022 ruling won the right to proceed with the program.

The Georgia Department of Community Health launched Georgia Pathways last July and requested an extension of the program — now due to expire next year — citing the delays in implementa­tion caused by CMS' change of course under the Biden administra­tion.

Last October, CMS denied the request for an extension of the end date, prompting the lawsuit filed Friday.

“After the Biden administra­tion's lengthy, failed attempt to interfere with Georgia's innovative plan to afford thousands of Georgians the opportunit­y to receive quality health care, they are back at it again,” Kemp said.

“We beat them in court then, and now we are again asking for the federal government to adhere to the terms they agreed to rather than play politics by refusing to give us back the time they stole from delaying the Pathways rollout and implementa­tion.”

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