The Signal

Loving Hearts raises $1,000 for Hart district students

- By Maya Morales To find out more informatio­n about Loving Hearts, contact Kim via email: mkim.lovinghear­

Loving Hearts youth members participat­ed in a swap meet fundraiser on Aug. 31 to raise money for William S. Hart Union High School District students who are homeless, fostered, or low-income.

Minah Kim, director of Loving Hearts, said the organizati­on is a Christian-based nonprofit organizati­on that is committed to empowering the community by connecting people through educationa­l programs, special events and community outreach.

“We do monthly meetings where they meet and find ideas how to fundraise. From there we go put it into action to raise money to donate to the community,” said Kim.

Last month, members decided to set up a booth at the Los Angeles City College swap meet to raise money for Hart district students in need. Kim said everything sold was items they found they no longer had use for in their own homes. The items donated consisted of clothes and kitchenwar­e.

“We started off at 8 a.m. They got up early in the morning and drove themselves and we were out there ’til 4 p.m.,” said Kim.

Kim said the members were able to raise $1,000 through the fundraiser. The organizati­on does events like this at least twice a month where they give back to their community in different ways, she said.

“We do a homeless lunch, where students prepare the meal and go to the center,” said Kim. “We do monthly recycling, where we also donate (funds) to the homeless or less fortunate students of the district.”

Kim added that anyone is welcome to join Loving Hearts. Their main goal is to provide youth with leadership skills that will inspire others.

 ?? Photo courtesy of Minah Kim ?? Loving Hearts members host a swap meet fundraiser in late August to raise money for homeless or otherwise disenfranc­hised William S. Hart Union High School District students.
Photo courtesy of Minah Kim Loving Hearts members host a swap meet fundraiser in late August to raise money for homeless or otherwise disenfranc­hised William S. Hart Union High School District students.

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