The Signal


- – Andrews Mcmeel Syndicatio­n

Bright Ideas

nthe ancient statues at China’s Yungang Buddhist Grottoes have taken a back seat to a new installati­on: Timers installed above a row of toilet stalls in the women’s restroom show whether the cubicle is occupied and, more controvers­ially, how long the door has been locked. CNN Travel reported that the timers were installed to help mitigate the increased number of visitors: “We aren’t setting a time limit ... It’s impossible that we would kick someone out midway.” But one user said, “I found it a little embarrassi­ng. It felt like I was being monitored.”

non June 5, Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, ex-mayor Cesar Maia, 78, took a seat to join a Zoom meeting of the city councilors, the Daily Mail reported. Unfortunat­ely, his seat was the

toilet, and he was caught with his pants down on the video feed. Maia quickly brought his computer closer to his face, but his fellow councilors couldn’t control their reactions. Pablo Mello, who was leading the meeting, is shown on the feed laughing into his hand before he asked Maia to “turn off the camera, please.”

Least Competent Criminals

nchristy Turman, 37, called 911 to let the Lee County (Florida) Sheriff’s office know that she was trying to steal a car from a dealership, WFLA-TV reported on June 6. “I’m trying to steal a car that’s not legally mine,” she said on the call. “So y’all better come make a report.” Sure enough, when deputies arrived, they found her getting out of a stolen Toyota Corolla. Turman said she was training in a game of Black Ops to nick the car, but she called authoritie­s so it’d be legal. Joke’s on her: She was arrested on trespassin­g charges.

n Thanks to tracking devices in two Lamborghin­is, a couple of car thieves are now in custody in Wyoming, KDVR-TV reported on June 12. The two supercars were stolen in Salt Lake City and headed east on Interstate 80, where Wyoming State Patrol officers tracked them near Rawlins. When troopers caught up to them, one of the vehicles was going over 100 mph; both drivers were taken into custody.

The Aristocrat­s

According to the Surfrider Foundation, a water quality nonprofit that tests beaches around the country, Mecox Bay in Southampto­n, New York, has some of the worst fecal matter levels in the United States. The New York Post reported that the beach, surrounded by multimilli­on-dollar homes, has dangerous levels of enterococc­us, an intestinal pathogen. Residents say that the bay there collects a lot of the runoff from

businesses, farms and homes in the area. Along with old septic systems and cesspools, a heavy rain can mean a lot of human waste filtering into the popular beach. Scott Horowitz, president of the Southampto­n Town Trustees, said they would fight to keep Mecox Beach safe. “It’s sad to see that you have areas that are absolutely magnificen­t and at times they’re regarded as public health hazards,” he said.

Weird in the Wild

Scientists studying African elephants at Kenya’s Samburu National Reserve and Amboseli National Park have discovered that the pachyderms call to each other and respond to one another using individual names, the Associated Press reported on June 10. The names are expressed in low rumbles that can be heard over long distances — by elephants. Many of the noises are low enough not to be heard by humans. When scientists

played recordings to individual elephants, they responded energetica­lly to those that contained their names. “Elephants are incredibly social, always talking and touching each other,” said co-author George Wittemyer. “We just cracked open the door a bit to the elephant mind.”

What Could Go Wrong?

Calling Agent 99! Samsung is channeling the 1960s TV series “Get Smart” with its newest tech release: the Shortcut Sneaker, with which one can make phone calls. Gizmodo reported that the phone is operated with discrete foot movements, recognized by motion sensors in the soles. Sadly, you’re not likely to get your dogs into them anytime soon: The company is making just six pairs, available only to Samsung members in the Netherland­s who enter to win by July 9.

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