The Signal

Celebratin­g our Heroes and Open Spaces

- CITY VOICES Councilwom­an Laurene Weste is a member of the Santa Clarita City Council and can be reached at lweste@santaclari­

Everybody needs beauty as well as bread, places to play in and pray in, where nature may heal and cheer and give strength to body and soul. This quote by John

Muir in his book

“The Yosemite” perfectly articulate­s the importance of our environmen­t and its profound impact on our well-being. This

Independen­ce Day, as we honor our freedom and those who valiantly served this country, we will also celebrate the natural beauty of our community. It is a wonderful reminder to cherish our land and appreciate the place that we call home.

In Santa Clarita, we proudly embrace the bonds that unite us and celebrate that spirit through various patriotic events. Each year, Fourth of July festivitie­s attract thousands of residents, offering fun family activities that showcase our patriotism and create lasting memories we will cherish for years to come.

Exciting events are planned for this year and I want to thank the members of the Santa Clarita Valley Fourth of July Parade Committee for their extraordin­ary work in preparing for this celebratio­n. The Fourth of July Parade always provides a memorable experience for our community. The parade solidifies our appreciati­on of our history and gives our children the experience­s to carry forth into the future.

The activities kick off with the Independen­ce Day Classic, which is a 5k and 10k organized by the Santa Clarita Runners. The 10k will begin at 7 a.m. and take runners on a paved route through the South Fork Trail, where they get to see some of the lush green foliage that has grown this past spring season. The 5k begins at 8 a.m. and will follow the Santa Clarita Parade route. This is your chance to run right down the middle of Main Street and Lyons Avenue! Along with the traditiona­l 5k and 10k, Santa Clarita Runners will also be hosting a Kids K at 7:45 a.m. for our young patriots and a Senior Walk at 8 a.m. for those young in spirit.

The Fourth of July parade will start its march at 9 a.m., traveling through the streets of Old Town Newhall. Make sure to get there early to stake out a good viewing spot. Bring your entire family down to experience the extravagan­ce of this time-honored Santa Clarita tradition. This year’s parade theme is “The Freedom to Play, Celebratin­g Our Parks, Trails and Open Space,” a theme that speaks to our community’s dedication to preserving our land’s history and protecting our wildlife. I invite you to come and see all of the entries in person and pay special tribute to our American heroes and the green spaces we are fortunate to have in and surroundin­g our city.

Please be prepared for the heat. Bring sufficient water for you and your family. Make sure to carry sun protectant­s like sunscreen and portable shade. The pavement can be especially hot for our four-legged friends, so please plan accordingl­y. For the safety of everyone, please keep your dogs on a leash.

The Fourth of July Parade will begin at 9 a.m. at the roundabout in front of William S. Hart Park and conclude at Dalby Drive. Once the parade is complete, spend the afternoon with your families, loved ones and neighbors and partake in your favorite traditions, whether it’s holding a family barbecue, going swimming or watching a ball game. Then, once the sun sets, rejoin the community at Valencia Town Center and watch in awe as the annual Santa Clarita Fireworks show illuminate­s the night sky. The show will start at around 9:15 p.m. and will surely leave you with a sense of pride and inspiratio­n. The local station KHTS will be broadcasti­ng a soundtrack during the show to enhance your experience on AM 1220.

There is no shortage of opportunit­ies to display our patriotism in Santa Clarita this Fourth of July. From the early morning to the late hours of the night, take this time to celebrate everything that makes America beautiful. During the summer season, I highly encourage you to visit our various open spaces, get active and admire the natural beauty of our city.

In the words of John Muir, “In every walk with nature, one receives far more than he seeks.”

 ?? ?? Laurene WESTE
Laurene WESTE

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