The Signal

Animal Antics

- – Andrews Mcmeel Syndicatio­n

Paisley Toten, 2, was riding in a pickup bed through the Fossil Rim Wildlife Center in Glen Rose, Texas, on June 1 with her parents when their interactio­n with the animals took an unexpected turn, the Associated Press reported. The family stopped their truck to feed a giraffe, but the giraffe nibbled instead on Paisley’s shirt, lifting her several feet into the air. When Paisley’s mom shouted, the giraffe dropped the toddler into her mother’s arms, leaving her unhurt. After the incident, the park changed its rules to disallow riding in an open truck bed. Paisley got a stuffed giraffe from the gift shop for her trouble.

Terror in the Drive-thru

non June 11 in Seattle, Emma Lee, 23, got into hot water with a drive-thru customer at Taste of Heaven Espresso, where she works, reported. The customer was steamed about the price of his drinks, to which Lee responded, “You don’t get to name your own price.” After receiving his drinks, the customer allegedly got out of his car and threw them through the drive-thru window at the barista, then spit on her. But Lee fought back: She leaned out of the window and took a hammer to his windshield, putting a hole in the glass. “The argument that he didn’t know or was scammed doesn’t hold up,” she said. “The prices are listed.” Police were called, and Lee filed charges of misdemeano­r assault and banned him from the store. nin Lakeland, Florida, on June 14, customers in a Mcdonald’s drive-thru were unhappy with an incorrect order, ClickOrlan­do reported. They argued with employee Chassidy Gardner before starting to drive away — that’s when Gardner allegedly threw a drink at the car. Two of the customers exited the car, opened the drive-thru window and threw drinks at Gardner, who grabbed a handgun and walked outside, firing at least one shot at the vehicle as it left the parking lot. She was arrested for aggravated assault with a deadly weapon.

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