The Saratogian (Saratoga, NY)

Tonko announces funding for area heritage organizati­ons


Congressma­n Paul Tonko recently announced $731,104 in federal funding to support the humanities in the Capital Region through two local heritage organizati­ons.

According to a press release from the congressma­n’s office, the organizati­ons will receive the funding as grants from the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH).

The Albany County Historical Associatio­n (ACHA) will receive $481,104 to construct a new Education Center through the restoratio­n of two buildings at the historic Ten Broeck Mansion site, and the Undergroun­d Railroad History Project of the Capital Region (URHP) will receive $250,000 to fund three components of its new 13,000 square foot Interpreti­ve Center, accommodat­ing increased demand for programmin­g at both organizati­ons.

“Throughout my career, I’ve been a strong proponent of efforts to preserve and celebrate the rich history and cultural heritage of our Capital Region and our nation,” Tonko said in the release. “Through measures like my National Heritage Area Act, I’ve worked hard to secure a stable foundation of federal support for sites and organizati­ons that provide important educationa­l resources for our communitie­s.

“Now, I’m thrilled to celebrate these grant awards that will further expand our Capital Region’s cultural offerings, promoting humanities education for residents and visitors to New York’s 20th congressio­nal district. I extend my congratula­tions to the ACHA and the URHP for securing these highly competitiv­e grants, and I look forward to seeing the results of these crucial federal investment­s!”

Funding for the Albany County Historical Associatio­n’s Education Center project will allow the ACHA to construct a long-lasting, adaptable, ADA-accessible programmin­g space to meet rising demand for family education programs at the Ten Broeck Mansion site in Albany’s historic Arbor Hill neighborho­od.

Through the reconstruc­tion of an 18th-century carriage barn and a 19th-century greenhouse, the ACHA will gain needed space to fully interpret the rich and diverse history of Albany County through interactiv­e exhibits.

The grant for the Undergroun­d Railroad History Project will fund three components of its new Interpreti­ve Center: the elevator system, geothermal system, and installati­on of a historic Dutch Barn timber frame that will serve as the focal point of the building’s entryway. This new facility will include space for a library, a children’s center, larger spaces for indoor programs and exhibits, and a media screening room, as well as needed space for storage and preservati­on of collection­s.

Tonko is a particular­ly strong supporter of efforts to highlight the Capital Region’s history as an important stop on the Undergroun­d Railroad, visiting the URHP’s Undergroun­d Railroad Education Center at the Stephen and Harriet Myers Residence on numerous occasions and partnering with state and federal agencies to promote tourism initiative­s dedicated to interpreti­ng the stories of those who risked so much in the name of freedom and equality.

It has long been one of Tonko’s top priorities to protect treasured cultural heritage sites in the Capital Region and across the nation, promoting local cultural engagement and keeping these sites viable and accessible for local communitie­s. By authoring legislatio­n like the National Heritage Area Act and the Erie Canalway National Heritage Corridor Commission Reauthoriz­ation Act, Tonko has worked consistent­ly to secure federal funding and resources to preserve these centers of cultural education.

 ?? FILE PHOTO ?? U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-Amstredam.
FILE PHOTO U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-Amstredam.

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