The Review

Hillside stages third annual Egg Hunt Adventure

Dozens of kids scoop up goodies

- By Rick Cawley

The newly renamed Lonnie Cohen Hillside RC held their first event since the new addition to their moniker to honor the late former Director Lonnie Cohen. Cohen must’ve been smiling down on the proceeding­s because the third Annual Egg Hunt was a raving success.

Originally scheduled for a Saturday, the extravagan­za was pushed to a Tuesday night because Mother Nature must not have gotten the memo, since it poured cats and dogs that day. She must’ve been onboard for the Tuesday postponeme­nt date because it came down in buckets on both Wednesday and Thursday.

The brainchild of the playground staff and the Hillside Advisory Council, the event has grown in popularity each year since its inception. In preparatio­n, students from the Academies at Roxborough High had worked tirelessly to put together approximat­ely 2,000 plastic eggs containing not only yummies, but also coupon vouchers that could be redeemed for toys and gadgets following the egg hunt.

Once again, the participan­ts were broken down into three age groups not only to ensure equal opportunit­y for all the youngsters, but to accommodat­e the large number of egg hunters. Families with tots under tree were ushered into the gymnasium, with the three-to-fives on the playing field and the six-totens navigating Turtle Park (below the playground on Fountain St.). The eggs had been scattered by staff Brielle Harvey, Sean McCann, and Gianna Petrucci earlier in the afternoon.

As Hillside Director Brielle Harvey gave last minute instructio­ns, dozens of youngsters anxiously awaited the countdown at the starting area with engines revving in neutral. Once, the go ahead was given, kids went tearing out in search of their encased fortunes like it was the running of the bulls.

There were enough eggs to ensure that each young one could get a sizable helping of the goodies and enough vouchers scattered to almost guarantee that each child could snare a toy or two at the conclusion.

When all the eggs had been collected, it was time for personal inventorie­s as the children, with huge smiles on their adorable faces, put their math skills to use to tally their level of success. Discarded eggs were returned to a bin to recycle for next year’s affair, which promises to be even more popular if the number’s trend continues.

 ?? PHOTOS BY RICK CAWLEY ?? Youngsters excitedly bolt out onto the field as the egg hunt commences.
PHOTOS BY RICK CAWLEY Youngsters excitedly bolt out onto the field as the egg hunt commences.
 ?? ?? Ellie Thomas made sure she didn’t let a photo-op with the Easter Bunny slip away.
Ellie Thomas made sure she didn’t let a photo-op with the Easter Bunny slip away.
 ?? ?? Students from the Academies at Roxborough High prepared over 2,000 filled eggs for the event.
Students from the Academies at Roxborough High prepared over 2,000 filled eggs for the event.
 ?? ?? BFF’s RJ Sowisdral and Grayson Gramlich patiently bide their time as they await the egg hunt.
BFF’s RJ Sowisdral and Grayson Gramlich patiently bide their time as they await the egg hunt.
 ?? ?? A table and bin were filled with prizes for those who retrieved an egg with a special coupon voucher.
A table and bin were filled with prizes for those who retrieved an egg with a special coupon voucher.
 ?? ?? Sisters Zoey, left, and Lucy Deiter couldn’t have been happier with their collective cache.
Sisters Zoey, left, and Lucy Deiter couldn’t have been happier with their collective cache.
 ?? ?? Alexis Rivera was agog with excitement as he hastily filled his bag with goodies.
Alexis Rivera was agog with excitement as he hastily filled his bag with goodies.
 ?? ?? Ava Yupangco was stoked to win a pair of headphones with a gold coupon voucher.
Ava Yupangco was stoked to win a pair of headphones with a gold coupon voucher.
 ?? ?? JJ Ekeh and sister Jachi catch their breath after a whirlwind round of egg-hunting.
JJ Ekeh and sister Jachi catch their breath after a whirlwind round of egg-hunting.
 ?? ?? Brielle Harvey starts the countdown to unleash the egg hunters: 10, 9, 8, 7...
Brielle Harvey starts the countdown to unleash the egg hunters: 10, 9, 8, 7...
 ?? ?? The ballfield is littered with hundreds of eggs awaiting capture.
The ballfield is littered with hundreds of eggs awaiting capture.
 ?? ?? Skylar Thompson collected her fair share of bling from Turtle Park.
Skylar Thompson collected her fair share of bling from Turtle Park.

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