The Register-Guard

Illinois sheriff to retire over Massey killing

Asks for forgivenes­s from community

- Steven Spearie

SPRINGFIEL­D, Ill. – The head of a sheriff’s office under fire ever since a deputy fatally shot Sonya Massey in the face said Friday that he will step down and retire.

Sangamon County Sheriff Jack Campbell, who has been head of the agency since 2018, said in a statement that he will retire no later than Aug. 31. The July 6 killing of Massey has sparked national outcry over police brutality, coast-to-coast demonstrat­ions and a federal probe by the Justice Department.

“While it is painful to say goodbye, I do so knowing I have fulfilled my duties and served to the best of my ability,” Campbell said. The Sangamon County sheriff website says the department employs over 200 people.

Former deputy Sean P. Grayson has been charged with three counts of firstdegre­e murder in connection with Massey’s death. Grayson claims he fired his gun after fearing Massey would throw boiling liquid at him, according to a sheriff’s office report.

Noted civil rights attorney Ben Crump, who represents the Massey family, said in a statement Friday evening that Campbell’s impending retirement “marks a turning point” in the Massey case.

“Although the pain of her loss is still fresh, Sonya’s family is willing to work with the outgoing sheriff for the remainder of his tenure to help heal the community and achieve full justice for Sonya,” Crump said. “The Massey family also hopes to work with Sangamon County’s next sheriff to examine how this tragedy happened and to ensure that a tragedy like this never happens again in this community.”

Video of the incident shows Massey in her kitchen and saying “I’m sorry” before Grayson fired three shots, with one hitting just below her left eye. Her death brought protests in numerous cities, and communitie­s across the country held vigils for the 36-year-old woman.

Illinois Gov. JB Pritzker and Lt. Gov. Juliana Stratton had formally called two days ago for Campbell to resign, expressing frustratio­n with how the sheriff has responded to the Massey’s death. Three Sangamon County Board members, all Democrats, also asked for his ouster.

Much scrutiny has been placed on Campbell, who hired Grayson in May 2023 despite two prior DUI conviction­s.

Campbell “has failed to explain how he ended up hiring this deputy sheriff who has (resigned) from other department­s,” the governor said at an unrelated news conference early Wednesday in Chicago. “He has failed to put forward reforms that clearly need to be made.”

Campbell initially said that he would not step down, but he did ask for the public’s forgivenes­s, saying that Massey “called for help, and we failed her.”

“We failed Sonya and the community,” Campbell told a packed hall of about 300 people at Union Baptist Church in Springfiel­d on July 29. “I ask your forgivenes­s.” He also told the crowd, “Sonya Massey. I will say her name, and I’ll never forget her. I cannot imagine the pain that her family and friends feel right now. I’m sorry. ... We did not do our jobs.” The audience applauded after the comment.

County board chairman Andy Van Meter said in a text he respected Campbell’s decision to step down. “The Jack Campbell I know,” Van Meter said, “has always done what he thinks is best for the community.”

Board member Kevin McGuire, who called for Campbell’s ouster, said his leaving is a first step. McGuire is calling for an outside investigat­ive team to look at the sheriff’s department’s hiring practices.


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