The Register-Guard

What’s that happening at Amazon Creek by South Eugene High School?

- Hannarose McGuinness

Project: Restoratio­n work along Amazon Creek to plant native flora and slope the streambank to allow the waterway to naturally meander.

Location: Amazon Creek from E. 19th Ave. to E. 24th Ave.

Amazon Creek as it flows past South Eugene High School and the Amazon Ball Fields toward Roosevelt Middle School has a transforma­tion planned for this summer.

The creek now is flanked with concrete from E. 19th Ave. to E 24th Ave. Soon, this portion of the 65-year-old channel will undergo a restoratio­n project to establish native plants, allow the stream to follow a more natural meandering pathway and to gently grade the streambank. In addition to restoring the creek to a more natural state, the pedestrian bridge adjacent to Amazon Parkway south of 20th Ave. is expected to be replaced.

These improvemen­ts are expected to help the creek look better and will provide a more suitable habitat for fish, birds, insects and other wildlife. Water quality will also be improved.

This work is expected to continue from June through November. Other projects such as the restoratio­n of the Amazon Park sand volleyball courts and safety improvemen­ts to the Amazon and 24th crossing are also planned.

As Amazon Creek is undergoing restoratio­n, the Amazon Path and the northbound lane of Amazon Parkway will need to be closed. Drivers should follow the signed detour route and if heading southbound, should be vigilant of people walking and biking and of workers. Amazon Path users should plan to follow the signed detour route onto the closed northbound lane of Amazon parkway while the path is closed.

A large chunk of funding for this project comes from a $2.7 million Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Hazard Mitigation Assistance grant secured by the City of Eugene. The 2018 Parks and Recreation bond, the Stormwater Utility fund and system developmen­t charge funds also support this work.

Sources: City of Eugene Public Works project informatio­n sheet, City of Eugene Public Works newsroom release.

Is there something under constructi­on that you’d like to learn more about? Contact growth and developmen­t reporter Hannarose McGuinness at 541844-9859 or hmcguinnes­s@registergu­

 ?? HANNAROSE MCGUINNESS/THE REGISTER-GUARD ?? The Amazon Creek restoratio­n project is underway between E. 19th and E. 24th Ave. Once completed, the 65-year-old concrete channel will be removed and the addition of native plants will allow the creek to follow a more natural pathway, also improving water quality.
HANNAROSE MCGUINNESS/THE REGISTER-GUARD The Amazon Creek restoratio­n project is underway between E. 19th and E. 24th Ave. Once completed, the 65-year-old concrete channel will be removed and the addition of native plants will allow the creek to follow a more natural pathway, also improving water quality.

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