The Register-Guard

Putin says Russia plans buffer zone in Ukraine


Russian President Vladimir Putin says Moscow will not relent in its invasion of Ukraine and plans to create a buffer zone to help protect against long-range Ukrainian strikes and cross-border raids.

The Kremlin’s forces have made battlefiel­d progress as Kyiv’s troops struggle with a severe shortage of artillery shells and exhausted front-line units after more than two years of war. The front line stretches over 620 miles across eastern and southern Ukraine.

Advances have been slow and costly, and Ukraine has increasing­ly used its long-range firepower to hit oil refineries and depots deep inside Russia. Also, groups claiming to be Ukraine-based Russian opponents of the Kremlin have launched cross-border incursions.

“We will be forced at some point, when we consider it necessary, to create a certain ‘sanitary zone’ on the territorie­s controlled by the (Ukrainian government),” Putin said late Sunday.

This “security zone,” Putin said, “would be quite difficult to penetrate using the foreign-made strike assets at the enemy’s disposal.”

He spoke after the release of election returns that showed him easily securing a fifth six-year term.

Monday marks the 10th anniversar­y of Russia’s seizure of Ukraine’s Crimea Peninsula, which set the stage for Russia to invade its neighbor in February 2022. However, Putin has been vague about his goals in Ukraine since that full-scale invasion floundered.

Putin again warned the West against deploying troops to Ukraine. A possible conflict between Russia and NATO would put the world “a step away” from World War III, he said.

French President Emmanuel Macron recently said that sending Western troops into Ukraine should not be ruled out, though he said the current situation does not require it.

Commenting on the prospects for peace talks with Kyiv, Putin reaffirmed that Russia remains open to negotiatio­ns but won’t be lured into a truce that will allow Ukraine to rearm.

However, Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy has apparently shut the door on such talks, saying Putin should be brought to trial at the Internatio­nal Criminal Court in The Hague, which last year issued an arrest warrant for Putin on war crime charges.

With crucial U.S. aid being held up in Congress, U.S. Sen. Lindsey Graham arrived in Kyiv on Monday, the U.S. Embassy said. Ukraine desperatel­y needs the toughly $48 billion that the package of support would provide, especially artillery shells and air defense systems.

Ukraine’s air force said it intercepte­d 17 out of 22 Shahed drones launched by Russia overnight. Russia also fired five S-300/S-400 missiles at the Kharkiv region and two Kh-59 cruise missiles at the Sumy region, both in northeaste­rn Ukraine, it said.

Authoritie­s say the intensity of ground attacks and airstrikes has increased recently in the Sumy region, prompting the evacuation of 56 people, including 26 children, from one border village over the past week. In the past 21⁄ months the region has been struck

2 more than 3,000 times, after some 8,000 strikes over all of last year, the Ukrainian regional government says. The number of aerial bomb attacks has tripled, and Russian saboteurs are highly active, according to officials.

 ?? VADIM GHIRDA/AP ?? A Ukrainian serviceman walks by an effigy of Russian President Vladimir Putin dressed as a prison inmate Monday in Kyiv.
VADIM GHIRDA/AP A Ukrainian serviceman walks by an effigy of Russian President Vladimir Putin dressed as a prison inmate Monday in Kyiv.

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