The Register-Guard

Springfiel­d could send road repair bond to voters

- Alan Torres

This week, the Springfiel­d City Council is slated to discuss the boundaries of a proposed tax exemption to incentiviz­e denser housing and hold a public hearing and vote on sending a road-repair bond to residents.

The Lane County Commission is scheduled to vote on a new paid leave program for county employees and hold a public hearing on the county’s floodway developmen­t rules.

Springfiel­d City Council

To watch: Springfiel­d’s system requires registrati­on to watch and to participat­e in meetings. Use the links for meetings to register and get informatio­n to attend.

To listen: Dial 1-971-247-1195 or 1877-853-5247 and use the meeting ID.

To attend: Meetings are held in the City Council Meeting Room of Springfiel­d City Hall, 225 Fifth St., Springfiel­d.

To comment: There are instructio­ns during the regular session for how to provide testimony.

Register: https://­2mEJm_hFbmTQ

Meeting ID: 882 6862 2039


When: 6:30 p.m., Monday, Feb. 5 What: The council is developing a tax exemption to encourage the developmen­t of dense housing. At this meeting, councilors are expected to discuss whether Glenwood should be included in the boundary area for this exemption, and if so which parts of it should be included.


When: 7 p.m., Monday, Feb. 5 What: The mayor is slated to recognize the winners of the city’s bookmark design contest. Then, councilors are scheduled to hear public comment and then hold a public hearing and vote on sending a street-repair bond to Springfiel­d voters.

Lane County Board of Commission­ers

To attend: These meetings take place at the Harris Hall at 125 E. Eighth Ave., Eugene. Doors to Harris Hall open at 8:45 a.m.

To watch: County meetings stream at, Lane County’s YouTube channel and Comcast channel 21.

To comment: In-person commenters can sign up at the door. Online commenters should register for the Zoom meeting. To submit written comments, email diana.jones@lanecounty­ by noon Monday with the subject line PUBLIC COMMENT FOR MEETING DATE 2/6/2024.


When: 9 a.m., Tuesday, Feb. 6 What: The commission­ers are scheduled to hear public comment, vote on a slate of Health and Human Services contracts and vote on a new paid leave plan for county employees.


When: 1:30 p.m., Tuesday, Feb. 6 What: Commission­ers are set to continue a public hearing to loosen the restrictio­n on reconstruc­tion in a floodway.

Eugene Water & Electric Board

To watch: Meetings stream online over Microsoft Teams at and can be viewed afterward at­ers/publicmeet­ings

To attend: EWEB meetings are held in EWEB’s Roosevelt Operations Center at 4200 Roosevelt Blvd., Eugene.

To comment: Fill out the form to provide testimony over the phone or submit written testimony by 2. p.m. Tuesday, Feb 6., or complete a “request to speak” form in person.


When: 5:45 p.m. Tuesday, Feb. 6 What: EWEB commission­ers are scheduled to hear public comment and an update on ice storm recovery. Next commission­ers are set to vote on whether to ask Eugene City Council for permission to issue bonds for constructi­on projects and on what joint initiative­s EWEB wants to pursue with the city. Then commission­ers are then slated to discuss plans for an upriver meeting in the McKenzie Valley.

 ?? BEN LONERGAN/THE REGISTER-GUARD ?? Cars line the south side of Darlene Avenue in Springfiel­d. The Springfiel­d City Council recently approved funding for adding a sidewalk.
BEN LONERGAN/THE REGISTER-GUARD Cars line the south side of Darlene Avenue in Springfiel­d. The Springfiel­d City Council recently approved funding for adding a sidewalk.

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