The Record (Troy, NY)

Donate to veterinary clinics

- Write to Heloise at P.O. Box 795001, San Antonio, TX 78279-5000; or email

DEAR HELOISE » I just wanted to give a friendly reminder to consider donating clean, gently used towels to your local veterinary clinics. I have also spotted a great towel sale and bought a bunch for a nearby clinic. Their need is incredible. Believe me, they will be so grateful.

As a side note, some clinics may accept unused pet meds (still within their expiration date) as long as it is in the prescribin­g bottle. This goes for special shampoos as well. Please call first, though, as guidelines may vary. In some cities, there’s a specific group that accepts pet meds, and your local vet clinic can give you that informatio­n. Thank you.

— Mary A., Vancouver, Washington

DEAR HELOISE » When washing my bedsheets each Wednesday, I also toss in whatever else that’s in the laundry hamper. Over time, I noticed that whenever I dried the load, small items such as socks and washcloths would invariably lodge in the pockets formed by the contour sheet elastic corners. They usually did not dry very well and often went forgotten until I found them later.

I discovered that if I place all of the other wet items in the dryer first, then add the contour sheet last, small things don’t get “lost” in a corner anymore.

— Jim R., Houston

DEAR HELOISE » I recently lost my husband this past summer. As I was sorting through things, I came across our wedding cake topper that I was saving for our 50th anniversar­y in the six years. My first thought with all the emotions I had been going through was to throw it away.

Thankfully, my daughter saved this from happening and suggested making it into a Christmas decoration for the tree. So, my daughter-in-law lovingly created it into a memorable keepsake. I was able to sit, reflect and enjoy it this year. — B.G., in Iowa

DEAR HELOISE » Because I take several prescripti­on medication­s and supplement­s, I find it tedious when asked to write them all on a form in medical facilities. So, I have found a way that saves time and frustratio­n:

I enter the name of the drug, dosage and prescribin­g doctor on a document, which I then copy and paste onto adhesive-backed labels. I carry several in my wallet so that I can easily adhere one to any document that requires this informatio­n. — Miss Donna

DEAR HELOISE » Please tell P.Z., from Washington, what an excellent suggestion that was for using moisturizi­ng cream in your hair. I’m close to 70, and it’s gotten to the point where I just wanted to shave my head because my hair refuses to do what I want it to do. P.Z.’s idea is brilliant! — Mimi

DEAR READERS » When you buy a new leather couch, read all the cleaning and care instructio­ns in the manuals that come with your sofa.

And here’s one key rule for your sofa: All spills must be cleaned up as soon as possible! Never use alcohol-based cleaners, abrasive cleaners or even furniture polish because they may contain solvents that could damage the leather.

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