The Record (Troy, NY)

Tonko secures funding for area community projects in FY2024 federal budget


WASHINGTON » U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko recently announced he secured a total of $10,672,281 in federal funding for a slate of 14 community developmen­t and improvemen­t projects across New York’s 20th Congressio­nal District.

According to a press release, Tonko secured this funding as part of the first package of Fiscal Year 2024 government appropriat­ions bills, which were advanced out of the House today.

“I’m proud to have secured federal funding for this incredible slate of community projects in our Capital Region, each of which brings great promise for our communitie­s,” Tonko (D-Amsterdam) said. “With key federal investment­s, these projects will help drive economic growth across our district and deliver support to those in our communitie­s who need it most.

“For months, my team and I have pushed hard to ensure these worthy projects were included in the next federal spending package and, after a long and arduous process, I’m delighted to announce that determined effort has been successful. I extend my heartfelt gratitude to the dedicated local leaders who proposed and developed these initiative­s, and I am eager to see how these federal dollars will help unleash our Capital Region’s untapped potential.”

Tonko championed funding for 14 local projects that will bring direct benefits to Capital Region residents.

In alphabetic­al order, these include:

• $750,000 for Better Community Neighborho­ods Affordable Housing in Schenectad­y

• $850,000 for Capital District LATINOS’ Community Center Facility Capital Improvemen­t Project in Albany

• $300,000 for the Crescent Avenue Connector in Saratoga Springs

• $180,000 for the Glenville Veterans Community and Welcome Center

• $850,000 for Harbor House Supportive Housing in Schenectad­y

• $500,000 for the Moreau Emergency Squad Building Expansion

• $2,166,279 for the Route 2 Multi-Modal Connectivi­ty project in Troy

• $641,250 for Schuylervi­lle and Victory Water Main Replacemen­t

• $1,000,000 for Southern Saratoga YMCA Capital Improvemen­ts

• $500,000 for SUNY Schenectad­y’s Depot for Mobile Workforce Labs

• $500,000 for Town of Coeymans Sewer System Improvemen­ts

• $675,000 for the Town of Galway Community Building

• $959,752 for Village of Ravena Drinking Water System Improvemen­ts

• $800,000 for Watervliet Youth Center Capital Improvemen­ts

According to the release, the final bipartisan 2024 funding legislatio­n through which Tonko secured these community projects will help keep area communitie­s safe, boost our economy, and provide support for working families. Taken together, the funding for New York’s 20th Congressio­nal District and the funding increases for critical government programs will continue to grow the local economy and support Capital Region communitie­s.

Detailed descriptio­ns of each project can be found on Tonko’s website.

 ?? U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-Amstredam. FILE PHOTO ??
U.S. Rep. Paul Tonko, D-Amstredam. FILE PHOTO

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