The Record (Troy, NY)

Rhode Island: The Ocean State


Mini Fact:

Rhode Island is known for a variety of local seafood, such as clams, lobster, quahogs, oysters and calamari.

It might be our smallest state, but Rhode Island is filled with history, beautiful ocean views and sandy shores. The Mini Page learns more about Rhode Island this week.

Smallest state

Rhode stretches only about 48 miles from north to south and 37 miles from east to west.

Its statehood was granted on May 29, 1790, making it the 13th state to join the Union. Rhode

Island is also known as

“Little Rhody” and the

“Ocean State.”

Its top industries are health care services, tourism, and manufactur­ing of boats, electronic­s, and ocean and informatio­n technology.

Jewelry-making has been a top industry in Rhode Island for about 200 years. Two brothers, Nehemiah and Seril Dodge, started the American jewelry-making industry.

Colony of Rhode Island

Several Algonquian Native American tribes lived in the area for centuries. In 1636, Roger Williams fled Massachuse­tts to seek religious freedom. His friend Anne Hutchinson fled with him and settled nearby. Their communitie­s joined others in the area to form the colony of Rhode Island.

It was the first colony to make it illegal to bring in slaves, in 1652. It was also the first colony to declare independen­ce from Britain.

It is the 43rd-most populated state, with about 1 million people.

Things it’s known for

Mr. Potato Head was born in Pawtucket at Hasbro toy company 72 years ago, in 1952. He was the first toy to be advertised on TV.

Besides the mainland, the state has 36 islands, including the largest, Rhode Island, in Narraganse­tt Bay.

The oldest surviving

U.S. public lending library is the Redwood Library and

Athenaeum in Newport, started in

1747. An athenaeum

(ATH-uhNEE-um) is a place dedicated to learning.



Library and Athenaeum also contains a research center, a museum and Rhode Island’s first art gallery, establishe­d in 1875.

Today the library serves as a place for people to learn about the rich history of Rhode Island.

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Photo by PMillera4
 ?? ?? Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport Rhode, Island.
Redwood Library and Athenaeum in Newport Rhode, Island.
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