The Punxsutawney Spirit

SPLASH celebrates 25th anniversar­y, George C. Brown Pool 95th birthday

- By Larry McGuire

PUNXSUTAWN­EY — A large group of people turned out to celebrate the the 95th birthday and Save Punxsy’s Local Area Swimming Hole’s (SPLASH) 25th anniversar­y on Saturday at the George C. Brown Community Pool.

Tracy Weaver, SPLASH member, emceed the program and thanked George C. Brown for donating the pool in 1929.

Weaver said that Brown donated the pool to the community for summer fun, recreation and families and a place to learn how to swim and make new friends.

“SPLASH began 25 years ago as a group of concerned citizens who simply wanted to help keep the pool open, and we have for the past 25 years with the help of our generous community and the Punxsutawn­ey borough,” Weaver said. “We wanted to thank the borough for keeping the pool in our community and the borough maintenanc­e crew for their support and Dr. William Spencer, borough manager, for his support.”

Weaver thanked the Punxsutawn­ey Area School District for running the pool for many years before the borough took it over.

Punxsutawn­ey Mayor Rich Alexander proclaimed Aug. 10, 2024, as George C. Brown Community Pool Day in Punxsutawn­ey.

“Whereas George C. Brown on March 28, 1929 saw a need in the community for a pool and was completed in 1929.

“The pool was to be run by the local school board and the Kiwanis Club and it remained that way for several years.

“The board then gave the pool to the Borough of Punxsutawn­ey.

“Later a local group named SPLASH took over managing the pool to save it from being closed permanentl­y.

“Today we celebrate the 95th year of the pool and the SPLASH organizati­on for their work in the keeping the pool an important part of

our community.

“Whereas, today I proclaim Aug. 10, 2024 as the George C. Brown Community Pool Day in Punxsutawn­ey,” Alexander’s proclamati­on said. “By my hand I have struck the seal of the Borough of Punxsutawn­ey, to be affixed to this document.”

Weaver thanked their guests for coming, including state Rep. Brian Smith; Alexander; Katie Laska, Punxsutawn­ey Area Chamber of Commerce president; and Spencer, .

“Thank you also goes to the Punxsutawn­ey Area Community Foundation for helping us this year obtain our 501C3 and guidance in formalizin­g,” Weaver said.

SPLASH members include Alex Dobson, president; Samantha Fairman, Vice President and secretary; and Denise Geist, treasurer; and Lisa Switlick and Mary Jude Troupe, original members.

Special guests and original SPLASH members in attendance included Judy Gianvito, Lena Van Dyke and Cathy Wehrle.

SPLASH volunteers who are no longer with us but were original members include Bessie Depp, Sally McConnell and Adeline Infantino.

The current managers are Libby Gianvito (granddaugh­ter of Judy Gianvito) and Kaylin Smith.

SPLASH sent a special thanks to Karen Knopick for the cupcakes and cake.

A free swim was sponsored by an anonymous “friend of SPLASH.”

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