The Punxsutawney Spirit

IUP graduate donates $1M to support education majors

- Submitted by Indiana University of Pennsylvan­ia

INDIANA, Pa. — A graduate of Indiana University of Pennsylvan­ia, originally from the Johnstown area, has gifted IUP $1 million to establish a scholarshi­p for IUP education students.

Charles Baltzer is a 1953 business graduate now living in North Carolina. His gift establishe­s the Charles and Margaret Baltzer Memorial Scholarshi­p, which honors his late wife, who is also a 1953 graduate of IUP, and provides tuition support to full-time undergradu­ate students pursuing an education degree or certificat­e, with preference for students that are active-duty military personnel, veterans or the children of active-duty military personnel or veterans.

In addition to his $1 million gift, he has provided more than $65,000 to IUP to provide direct scholarshi­p support to students, including students qualifying for the Sutton


“We are truly honored that Mr. Baltzar has chosen to honor IUP education students in this way,” IUP Interim Dean of the College of Education and Human Services Dr. Edel Reilly said. “IUP has a welldeserv­ed reputation for preparing strong educators, and Mr. Baltzar’s generosity will support our work to recruit and prepare future educators and will lift the financial burden from those who are preparing to become teachers.”

Baltzer came to IUP after serving overseas during World War II. He was active in campus organizati­ons associated with the business program, including serving as president of the Junior Chamber of Commerce. He also was a member of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity.

Following his graduation, he worked at Force Oil in Bradford and then in the accounting department of Celanese Corporatio­n,

“I wanted this scholarshi­p to provide support and an incentive to potential educators to enter and remain in the teaching profession,” Baltzer said. “It is my hope that this scholarshi­p will help as many students as possible and make a difference in their lives and futures. My education at IUP played a major role in the successes I have experience­d, and I want to offer that same opportunit­y to students.”


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