The Punxsutawney Spirit

This week at the Punxsy Memorial Library

- By Jen Soliday For The Spirit — Jen Soliday, MLIS, director of the Punxsutawn­ey Memorial Library

PUNXSUTAWN­EY — Just a reminder: no pets of any kind are allowed in the library with the exception of service animals. Service animals are trained to do work or perform a task for persons with disabiliti­es. These do not include emotional support animals.

We do have our PAWS for Reading program in which a trained therapy dog is invited (the key word: invited) into the library at specific times for the express purpose of encouragin­g reading or education.

Our staff loves animals, but unfortunat­ely many of our patrons do not. Unless the animal is a licensed service animal, we are not legally bound to admit it. If you bring an animal into the library, expect to be asked to leave.

For more informatio­n on service dogs/minihorses and public places, please go to https://www.­mals-faqs/.

This Week’s Events:

Monday, June 17: • Summer Adventure at Your Library Registrati­on continues! Parents and/ or legal guardians must register all children participat­ing in the Summer Library Programs. We ask for registrati­on to ensure we have enough materials for all participan­ts. Registrati­on must be in person, and by the child’s parent or legal guardian.

• 10:30 a.m. Adult Coloring Club. Bring your own supplies, or borrow ours. Wednesday, June 19:

• 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Book donations accepted. Limit two boxes/bags per person.

• 6:30 p.m.: Friends of the Library meeting. The Friends of the Library is a nonprofit organizati­on whose members share the belief that residents should support their public library system in many different ways in addition to their regular taxes. Friends advocate the importance of library services in our community and raise funds to achieve library goals. New members are welcome! Saturday, June 22:

• 10 a.m. – 2 p.m.: Book donations accepted. Limit two boxes/bags per person.

• 10:30 a.m. Paws for Reading. Come read to our friend and licensed therapy dog, Ryker! All ages are welcome!

Upcoming Events:

• Summer Adventure at Your Library! Must be preregiste­red!

• Summer Library programs will be held as follows:

— June 24-28 at 11 a.m.: Pre-K Rocks! Ages 3-5 years

— July 8-12 at 11 a.m.: It’s Elementary 1! Grades K-2

— July 8-12 at 1 p.m.: It’s Elementary 2! Grades 3-5

— July 22-26 at 1 p.m.: TnT! Grades 6-12

Parents and/or legal guardians must register all children participat­ing in the Summer Library Programs. We ask for registrati­on to ensure we have enough materials for all participan­ts.

• June 24 at 10:30 a.m. Adult Coloring Club. Bring your own supplies, or borrow ours.

• June 26: 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. Book donations accepted for the Friends of the Library used book sale next week on July 2.

• June 29: The library will be closed.

Sign up for our e-newsletter! Send a request to director@punxsutawn­ or click on the link on our webpage. We not only send our newsletter on the first of the month, but also last-minute updates and informatio­n! Subscriber­s know about events (like program dates) before anyone else in the area. If you’d like to see the newsletter without subscribin­g, go to our webpage and click on the link for the latest edition.

You can call us at 814-938-5020 or email director@punxsutawn­ Visit our website at www.punxsutawn­ or our Facebook and Instagram pages for updates and resources.

As always, I welcome your feedback, request your suggestion­s, and do my best to rectify your complaints in keeping with our current library policies. Please keep them coming! No policy or operation changes are ever made at this library without discussion­s with and approval by the Library Board of Trustees.

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