The Punxsutawney Spirit

Diocese of Erie releases clergy appointmen­t list, many related to pastoral plan restructur­ing


The Most Rev. Lawrence T. Persico, bishop of Erie, has appointed several clergy throughout the Diocese of Erie to new parishes, many related to parish restructur­ing that has been made public in various areas of the diocese in recent months.

Appointmen­ts are traditiona­lly made for the beginning of the parish fiscal year, July 1, and those released last week are effective July 9. The appointmen­ts, along with a list of priests who will retire in July, were shared with affected parishione­rs at Masses during the weekend of May 25 and 26. A second list of assignment­s, including the assignment for Father Luke Daghir who was ordained on May 24, was shared at parishes the weekend of June 1 and 2.

The announceme­nts come at the end of a months-long process overseen by Bishop Persico and Father Nicholas Rouch, vicar general and acting director of the Office for Clergy Personnel.

In light of the parish restructur­ing plan announced for Erie County on April 29, pastors were offered the opportunit­y, through surveys and personal conversati­ons, to weigh in on their preference­s for the future. Members of the Clergy Personnel Board also were consulted. Reaffirmin­g that six-year terms are a goal that promotes stability and continuity for both pastors and parishione­rs, Father Rouch noted clergy and administra­tors also have to respond to ever-changing realities.

Father Rouch, who took on a new assignment as pastor of St. Julia Parish in Erie along with his new role as vicar general in 2023, has said that while a new assignment unsettles the practical matters of life, it invigorate­s pastoral creativity.

“It can give us a renewed sense of why we are diocesan priests to begin with,” he said. “I would even call it a charism. As diocesan priests, we surrender our availabili­ty to the needs of our people. We go where we are needed.”

The full list of clergy announceme­nts released this week can be found at News-releases.html.

Local clergy appointmen­ts include:

• The Rev. Mister Brandon Feikles, Deacon Assistant to St. Tobias Parish, Brockway, effective May 10.

• The Very Reverend John P. Malthaner, VF, Pastor of Holy Spirit Parish, DuBois, including the parish church of St. Catherine, DuBois, with secondary mission church of Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary, Sykesville, and the secondary churches of St. Bernard, Falls Creek, St. Mary, Reynoldsvi­lle, and St. Michael the Archangel, DuBois, effective July 9 and continuing until July 31, 2030.

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