The Punxsutawney Spirit

Penn State Extension offers equine pasture management course


UNIVERSITY PARK, Pa. — Penn State Extension is offering an online course titled “Fundamenta­ls of Equine Pasture Management,” designed for current and prospectiv­e horse farm owners and farm managers.

The course covers how to manage pastures to benefit horses and the environmen­t.

This course is ideal for individual­s who are dissatisfi­ed with their current pasture conditions or those looking to establish high-quality pastures on new properties. Although tailored for Pennsylvan­ia horse farms, most concepts are applicable to farms throughout the Northeast and mid-Atlantic states. Participan­ts will learn about the benefits and potential drawbacks of grazing, common pasture grasses and legumes, and their nutritiona­l values at different growth stages.

Registrant­s will learn to:

• Identify the benefits and hazards of pasture grazing for both horses and the environmen­t.

• Identify and use different types of forages.

• Understand the difference­s between continuous and rotational grazing and design a grazing management system that works for their pasture.

• Assess soil health and correct soil fertility issues.

• Determine when pasture renovation is necessary and understand the renovation process.

• Manage weeds through integrated weed management techniques.

• Recognize common plants toxic to horses and when they are most dangerous in a pasture.

This self-paced course incorporat­es readings, educationa­l videos and interactiv­e elements to teach the basics of equine pasture management. Participan­ts will have access to a downloadab­le workbook to apply course concepts to their own pastures. Knowledgec­heck questions are included throughout the course, along with supplement­ary resources.

The course is divided into eight sections, each concluding with a short quiz. Participan­ts must achieve a score of 80% or higher on the quizzes to pass the course and receive a certificat­e of completion.

Registrati­on for the course is $99, granting participan­ts 365 days of access. More informatio­n and registrati­on details are available on the Penn State Extension website.

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