The Punxsutawney Spirit

Warning signs of developing mental health issues

- Metro Creative Connection

Various mental illnesses are more common among women than men, including depression and anxiety. The Mayo Clinic says it’s common to have mental health concerns from time to time, but when one of those concerns becomes frequent or affects one’s ability to function, it becomes an illness.

According to Clearview Treatment Programs, women often live with mental illness for months, even years before seeking treatment. Individual­s may not realize the severity of their conditions, or they may mistake mental illness for stress or feeling overwhelme­d. Even though the stigma surroundin­g mental health issues has decreased considerab­ly in recent years, women still face societal barriers, says McLean Mass General Brigham Hospital.

Women may not be inclined to discuss their issues and, in turn, fail to receive prompt care.

Signs of mental illness vary, depending on the disorder and additional variables.

A condition may affect a person’s emotions, behaviors and thoughts. Some signs of a burgeoning mental illness include:

• Significan­t changes in sleep habits, which may include sleeping more or not at all.

• Changes in eating behaviors, which may include binge eating or going without food.

• Women tend to internaliz­e mental illness, and symptoms can include ruminating, withdrawal from activities and generally retreating from life.

• Physical conditions that cannot be explained, such as headaches, stomach aches, chronic pain, and even high blood pressure.

• Emotional lability, which means rapid mood swings from happiness to anger and sadness.

• Confused thinking or a reduced ability to concentrat­e.

• Excessive fears or worries.

• Detachment from reality, resulting in delusions.

• Trouble relating to situations and people.

• Changes to sex drive.

• Excessive anger or hostility.

• Suicidal thoughts or attempts.

Mental illness can affect anyone. According to research, women may have a higher propensity to develop certain mental health conditions and thus need to be aware of the symptoms of those disorders. Anyone in crisis should call 911 or their local emergency number immediatel­y. In the United States and Canada, women can call or text 988 to reach suicide and crisis support.

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