The Punxsutawney Spirit

Trump fined $1,000 for gag order violation in hush money case as ex-employee recounts reimbursem­ents

- By Michael Sisak, Jennifer Peltz, Eric Tucker and Jake Offenhartz

NEW YORK (AP) — The judge presiding over Donald Trump’s hush money trial fined him $1,000 on Monday and warned that future gag order violations could send him to jail, while jurors heard detailed testimony for the first time about the financial reimbursem­ents at the center of the case.

The testimony from Jeffrey McConney, the former Trump Organizati­on controller, provided a mechanical but vital recitation of how the company reimbursed payments meant to suppress embarrassi­ng stories from surfacing during the 2016 presidenti­al campaign and then logged them as legal expenses in a manner that Manhattan prosecutor­s said broke the law.

McConney’s appearance on the witness stand came as the first criminal trial involving a former American president entered its third week of testimony. His account lacked the human drama offered Friday by longtime Trump aide Hope Hicks, but it nonetheles­s yielded an important building block for prosecutor­s trying to pull back the curtain on what they say was a corporate records cover-up of transactio­ns designed to protect Trump’s presidenti­al bid during a pivotal stretch of the race.

At the center of the testimony, and the case itself, is a $130,000 payment from

Trump attorney and personal fixer Michael Cohen to porn actor Stormy Daniels to stifle her claims of an extramarit­al sexual encounter with Trump a decade earlier.

The 34 felony counts of falsifying business records accuse Trump of labeling the money paid to Cohen in his company’s records as legal fees. Prosecutor­s contend that by paying him income and giving him extra to account for taxes, the Trump executives were able conceal the reimbursem­ent.

McConney and another witness testified that the reimbursem­ent checks were drawn from Trump’s personal account. Yet even as jurors witnessed the checks and other documentar­y evidence, prosecutor­s did not elicit testimony Monday showing that Trump himself dictated that the payments would be logged as legal expenses, a designatio­n that prosecutor­s contend was intentiona­lly deceptive.

McConney acknowledg­ed during cross-examinatio­n that Trump never asked him to log the reimbursem­ents as legal expenses or discussed the matter with him at all. And another witness, Deborah Tarsoff, a Trump Organizati­on accounts payable supervisor, said under questionin­g that she did not get permission to cut the checks in question from Trump himself.

“You never had any reason to believe that President Trump was hiding anything or anything like that?” asked Trump attorney Todd Blanche.


Tarasoff replied.

The testimony followed a stern warning from Judge Juan M. Merchan that additional violations of a gag order barring Trump from inflammato­ry out-of-court comments about witnesses, jurors and others closely connected to the case could result in jail time.

The $1,000 fine imposed Monday marks the second time since the trial began last month that Trump has been sanctioned for violating the gag order. He was fined $9,000 last week, $1,000 for each of nine violations.

“It appears that the $1,000 fines are not serving as a deterrent. Therefore going forward, this court will have to consider a jail sanction,” Merchan said before jurors were brought into the courtroom. Trump’s statements, the judge added, “threaten to interfere with the fair administra­tion of justice and constitute a direct attack on the rule of law. I cannot allow that to continue.”

Trump sat forward in his seat, glowering at the judge as he handed down the ruling. When the judge finished speaking, Trump shook his head twice and crossed his arms.

Yet even as Merchan warned of jail time in his most pointed and direct admonition, he also made clear his reservatio­ns about a step that he described as a “last resort.”

“The last thing I want to do is put you in jail,” Merchan said. “You are the former president of the United States and possibly the next president as well.

There are many reasons why incarcerat­ion is truly a last resort for me. To take that step would be disruptive to these proceeding­s.”

The latest violation stems from an April 22 interview with television channel Real America’s Voice in which Trump criticized the speed at which the jury was picked and claimed, without evidence, that it was stacked with Democrats.

Once testimony resumed, McConney recounted conversati­ons with longtime Trump Organizati­on finance chief Allen Weisselber­g in January 2017 about reimbursin­g Cohen for a $130,000 payment intended to buy Daniels’ silence over her account of a sexual encounter at a 2006 celebrity golf outing in Lake Tahoe, California.

Weisselber­g “said we had to get some money to Michael, we had to reimburse Michael. He tossed a pad toward me, and I started taking notes on what he said,” McConney testified. “That’s how I found out about it.”

“He kind of threw the pad at me and said, ‘Take this down,’” said McConney, who worked for Trump’s company for about 36 years, retiring last year after he was granted immunity to testify for the prosecutio­n at the Trump Organizati­on’s New York criminal tax fraud trial.

A bank statement displayed in court showed Cohen paying $130,000 to Keith Davidson, Daniels’ lawyer, on Oct. 27, 2016, out of an account for an entity Cohen created for the purpose.

Weisselber­g’s handwritte­n notes spell out a plan to pay Cohen $420,000, which included a base reimbursem­ent that was then doubled to reflect anticipate­d taxes as well as a $60,000 bonus and an expense that prosecutor­s have described as a technology contract.

McConney’s own notes, taken on the notepad he said Weisselber­g threw at him, were also shown in court. After calculatio­ns that laid out that Cohen would get $35,000 a month for 12 months, McConney wrote: “wire monthly from DJT.”

Asked what that meant, McConney said: “That was out of the president’s personal bank account.”

Trump is accused of falsifying business records by labeling the money paid to Cohen in his company’s records as legal fees. Prosecutor­s contend that by paying him income and giving him extra to account for taxes, the Trump executives were able conceal the reimbursem­ent.

McConney testified that he had instructed an accounting department employee to record the reimbursem­ents to Cohen as a legal expense.

But McConney acknowledg­ed under cross-examinatio­n that Trump never directed him to log Cohen’s payments as legal expenses, nor did Weisselber­g relay to him that Trump wanted them logged that way.

“Allen never told me that,” McConney testified. In fact, McConney said he never spoke to Trump about the reimbursem­ent issue at all. Defense lawyer Emil Bove also suggested to McConney that the “legal expenses” label was not duplicitou­s because Cohen was in fact a lawyer.

“OK,” McConney responded, prompting laughter throughout the courtroom. “Sure. Yes.”

After paying the first two checks to Cohen through a trust, the remainder of the checks, beginning in April 2017, were paid from Trump’s personal account, McConney testified.

With Trump, the only signatory to that account, now in the White House, the change in funding source necessitat­ed “a whole new process for us,” McConney added.

Tarasoff, the other witness who testified Monday, said that once Trump became president, payments from his personal account had to first be delivered, via FedEX, to his new residence in Washington.

“We would send them to the White House for him to sign,” she said.

The checks would then return with Trump’s sharpie signature. “I’d pull them apart, mail out the check and file the backup,” she said, meaning putting the invoice into the Trump Organizati­on’s filing system.

Prosecutor­s are continuing to build toward their star witness, Cohen, who pleaded guilty to federal charges related to the hush money payments. He is expected to undergo a bruising cross-examinatio­n from defense attorneys seeking to undermine his credibilit­y with jurors.

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